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Comment count is 101
Pope Caius - 2012-06-11

Add "white chick with important feelings"

Pompoulus - 2012-06-11

Definitely pissing off the right people, and pissing them off nice an' good.

NewHeavenSalesman - 2012-06-11

with the extra benefit of their knowing that the trolling greased the wheels of this getting featured on gaming blogs, leading to her getting ,000 (so far) for the project.

I think this is sort of a dumb thing for people to spend money on (especially since her other videos clunkily cover feminist issues that only mongoloids haven't heard of, and her tone isn't exactly conducive to a real conversation), but whatever. I will always support the exploitation of boring manbabies.

Sudan no1 - 2012-06-12

Truth, the vicious trolling got her a lot of attention in PC thug blogosphere, and it will continue to get her attention the more they troll her. Fucccccking justice, tastes so good.

Caminante Nocturno - 2012-06-12

And I can only begin to imagine how much this is advancing the issue she's speaking of.

Pompoulus - 2012-06-12

It is, if not much, to a measurable degree, because you are clearly being made uncomfortable.

Caminante Nocturno - 2012-06-12

That is the sort of thing people write when they're trying to pretend their feelings weren't hurt.

Sudan no1 - 2012-06-12

It's helping the issue more than whateverthefuck you're doing. :D

Pompoulus - 2012-06-12

You could never hurt my feelings just by being you, buddy.

Caminante Nocturno - 2012-06-11

I have never noticed this thing you are complaining about, lady. Now that you mention it, it's true that most women in video games aren't ugly or boring. I see no problem with this, and I sincerely hope that it never changes.

Blue - 2012-06-11

You are wrong and stupid. We're half the fucking population and we shouldn't have to endure shit like Metroid: the Other M.

baleen - 2012-06-12

Thank god we men have amazingly detailed and developed characters in our video games to look up to. I would have never played Deus Ex all the way through if I didn't have such a profound and personal connection to its protagonist.

Sudan no1 - 2012-06-12

They should have given Adam a sex change while they were augmenting him, it would have been a much more interesting game.

Riskbreaker - 2012-06-12

Metroid Other M was about as sexist as Resident Evil 5 was racist. In other words: none

Sudan no1 - 2012-06-12

Whoa are you for real? There were spear chuckers in RE5, and even Yahtzee thought Other M was sexist as fuck.

Riskbreaker - 2012-06-12

If a pretentious british guy with a fedora said so, it must be true!

Sudan no1 - 2012-06-12

Hey, I hate Yahtzee too-- I'm saying that even HE can see what's blatantly there.

Riskbreaker - 2012-06-12

So, woman taking orders from male superiors: sexist. Also, somebody should go and tell all the tribes that exist in Africa that they are enforcing racist stereotypes about their people, and that they should start wearing civilian western clothes like real people do.

Sudan no1 - 2012-06-12

Sigh... just read this, please.

http://moonbase.rydia.net/mental/blog/gaming/metroid-other-m-t he-elephant/article.html

I want to like you Riskbreaker, Vagrant Story was a good game.

Unfortunately I don't have an article about why the "sexy savages" and "scary savages" in RE5 are insensitive, but I'm sure it's out here too.

Blue - 2012-06-13

The sexism in Metroid: Other M is unambiguous. If you don't see it, you are a shitty person.

I was in a 24/7 slave relationship with a former Marine for two years and I found their relationship creepy as shit even before he started outright hurting her.

And no, the military does not require that you "follow orders" the way that is depicted in this game. I know this first hand because I'm in the same fucking service as Samus is: I'm a fucking civilian. I didn't fucking enter the military because I was kind of a fuckup and didn't have my shit together enough to be as self-reliant as military service requires. Every soldier doesn't have a fucking babysitter and even if they did, I'm pretty sure commanding a soldier to hold off on the stop, drop and roll until you're pleased with the level of suffering the fire has caused them is considered bad babysitting.

How did you not notice Adam's constant demands that Samus prove she can follow orders? She literally self-immolates to prove she'll follow orders and he never fucking lets up about it. Right up to the fucking end when he decides that instead of giving her an order he's going to shoot her in the fucking back, just in case.

And what was the reason he couldn't trust her? Oh, yes, he gave her an order to leave a friend to die. And how did Samus respond to that order? She followed it even though she didn't like it. She had nothing to prove to this asshole, and he had no justification for his constant accusations of disloyalty, let alone the literal torture he put her through.

But that's not even the fucking problem. The problem is that she fucking idolizes this person to the point that she doesn't really seem to have an identity independent of him. When she expresses an opinion, she doesn't share her opinion on things, she shares Adam's. It's absolutely revolting that she felt she had to atone for her completely reasonable actions and was ready to fucking die rather than disobey this guy.

It's a very abusive relationship, and it's fucking romanticized. That's not fucking ok. What the fuck is wrong with you?

Caminante Nocturno - 2012-06-13

You wrote far too many words about Metroid Other M.

flotsam - 2012-06-15

Wow, this behavior is the reason why I noticed that people don't respect you at times Caminante.

Kabbage - 2012-06-11

Buckle up for an unfiltered WALL OF MAN-BOOBED HATE folks:

http://www.feministfrequency.com/2012/06/harassment-misogyny-a nd-silencing-on-youtube/

Syd Midnight - 2012-06-18

This is shaping up to be the best smokeout since "Elevatorgate".

Lef - 2012-06-11

,147 to date

That alone deserves 5 for evil. I think I'll go support Clang now.

Albuquerque Halsey - 2012-06-11

The very fist scene invalidates everything about the rest of the video. Every female vidya player I know says the same thing when they sit down to play: "where did I leave the controller?"

STABFACE - 2012-06-11

Stars for evil.

Also "Man-Boobed Hate."

Dr. Lobotomy - 2012-06-11

Out of curiosity, who qualifies as a "fighting fuck-toy" exactly?

Caminante Nocturno - 2012-06-11

That slut Gordon Freeman, for one.

deadpan - 2012-06-11

That slutty, slutty Kirby.

zerobackup - 2012-06-11


dementomstie - 2012-06-13

Blanka. A half nude, topless redhead that's been a staple for 20 years.

Jet Bin Fever - 2012-06-14

Blanka is a smokin' hot Brazilian piece of ass.

Albuquerque Halsey - 2012-06-11

"Creating these videos take a lot of time and money to produce. I will be researching and playing hundreds of titles from across the gaming industry (including some truly awful games that I wouldn�t wish upon anyone!). Your support will go towards production costs, equipment, games and downloadable content."


Bebido - 2012-06-11

If you don't agree with something, thats cool. Though, if you get to the point of threatening a person with violence and other horrible things, you should probably take a deep breath and ask yourself why you feel that way. A bunch of little boys.

Binro the Heretic - 2012-06-11

On the one hand, I want to point out to her that the vast majority of male video game characters are hardly flattering to men in general.

On the other hand, Lara Croft gets tied up and raped in the upcoming "Tomb Raider" game, so she might have a point.

NancyDrewFan123 - 2012-06-11

Well, I mean, the difference here is that buff male protagonists are designed to make the guys playing them feel powerful and awesome. And female characters that are barely dressed and flirty are designed to give dudes boners. No one is trying to appeal to women in this scenario.

zerobackup - 2012-06-11

A great way to solve the issue of a male dominated perspective is to have women in positions of (real, decision making) power in the industry. So...call me when that happens.

CornOnTheCabre - 2012-06-11

"Well, I mean, the difference here is that buff male protagonists are designed to make the guys playing them feel powerful and awesome." oh okay, i feel much less objectified now.

CornOnTheCabre - 2012-06-11

reinforcing unhealthy female body types: one of america's most humiliating failures

reinforcing unhealthy male body types: AWWEEEEEEEEESOOOOOMMMEEEEEEEEEEEE PEWPEWPEWPEWWWWWWWWWWW! (can i have 50k now)

baleen - 2012-06-12

This "debate" has been going on for a really long time. The solution is pretty simple... Design games with interesting stories and interesting female characters for a "female audience."

I MEAN ITS NOT LIKE ANYONE HAS EVER TRIED THAT, RIGHT? The level of narrative sophistication in most games is so awful and boring to me that I choose not to play games at all (minecraft on mushrooms aside). I generally hate the aesthetic sense, the ahistorical watered down RPG cliches, the design choices, and the writing. There is nothing stopping some women with artistic and coding skills from getting together and making games for a "female audience," whatever that means.

Basically this woman is just another critic with a gender studies major that she doesn't know what to do with. This dialogue has been going on for 20 years. Maybe make a game yourself instead of shitting on people from the lofty college campus peanut gallery? She should be asking for money to make a game, not money for a project that lets her whine about games in a more effective way.

sosage - 2012-06-12

Zerobackup...Call waiting for Zerobackup...why do we keep holding this call? Okay. Fine. We'll keep calling for this guy. Zeroback...Oh God! Zerobackup? THE Zerobackup? You really do exist? I thought you were just an urban legend the guys at the front desk made up...maybe some 20 year old prank they played on the new guy but...well...here's the phone. We've been holding this call for you since the 90's.

Hooker - 2012-06-12

baleen breaks out the old "there is nothing stopping women from [completely breaking some harmful stereotype]."

Of course there fucking is.

baleen - 2012-06-12

Not really. Not since this has been going on forever. It's video games. Start making games for women.

Aelric - 2012-06-12

Princess Prettygirl and the Pregnancy Kitchen

Binro the Heretic - 2012-06-12

Really, when I said the majority of male video game characters are unflattering to men in general, I was referring to their behaviors and attitudes. Male characters tend to solve problems by killing everyone and everything. Then, they consider the female characters a "prize" for doing so.

While both male and female characters are presented with unrealistic body types, I think her biggest issue is the way female characters behave and are treated. As I said, Lara Croft is supposed to be brutalized in the next "Tomb Raider" installment, supposedly to make her "stronger" by overcoming it. Imagine trying to have uber-macho male characters raped to make them "deeper" and "more mature" and the kind of fan outcry you would get, not to mention the hit in sales of the game.

Everyone likes to watch fit young people running around being athletic. We likely will never get past that as a species. We're going to have to get used to six-pack abs, bulging biceps, massive tits and perfect asses portrayed in all forms of media because human brains are hard-wired to want to see these things and the media are there to cater to our desires. It's the way we treat the characters that we need to watch. It says more about our culture.

Also, I can't stand Tim & Eric, but I don't mind this.

(although I do think it's just a tasty scam to get free video games and pay the rent by playing them)

NewHeavenSalesman - 2012-06-12

Video games don't need women writers and programmers, they just need people who have been exposed to more things than other video games, comic books, and nerd movies. Until then, we're just going to have to live with video games thinking that gritty plus female equals rape threats and creepy whimpering noises.

baleen - 2012-06-13

^ This.

zerobackup - 2012-06-14

I think video games are growing up as a medium and we are in that annoying 12-13 year old boy (yes video games as a whole are a 'boy', deal with it ladies) stage where boobies and loud explosions are the greatest things in the world, and bet real life girls are still pretty scary.

Caminante Nocturno - 2012-06-19

The funny thing about disguising your ego masturbation as insight is that the only person you end up fooling is yourself.

And people as dumb as you.

NancyDrewFan123 - 2012-06-11

Nerd dudes are gross, this is kind of a dumb kickstarter though. I think she is vastly overvaluing the production cost of a youtube video.

fourthguy - 2012-06-11

Overvalued? Why, that's preposterous. I'm sure that grand is gonna go miles toward influencing positive social change.

BHWW - 2012-06-12

but this is different from every other kickstarter/chipin etc. project because it's gotten a lot of people you or I may not approve of angry and nerd-ragin' which is as we all know these days the most important virtue for a project to have.

zerobackup - 2012-06-11

Ok, I made it 4 seconds in and couldn't stare at her weird, furrowed, squinty face any longer, does that make me a chauvinist?

NewHeavenSalesman - 2012-06-12

Her body language is really off-putting. I can't really fault her for that, but it seems like a colossally bad idea to have her be the front of trying to teach younger people about sexism in games.

I'm not saying that male teenagers would only respond to a bubbly milksop making these points. It's just that her excessive sarcasm and eyerolling would threaten anyone with a weak ego (ie anyone in high school) and close them off to the message.

jangbones - 2012-06-11

she says in the description "I left comments activated so you can see all the hate"

and then the comments that followed are filled with hate

that is awesome

Riskbreaker - 2012-06-12

Would and no, shut up lady, you are not getting my money, only my dong dollars.

Caminante Nocturno - 2012-06-12

I tried buying groceries with your dong dollars and they called the police on me!

Riskbreaker - 2012-06-12

Next time use bison dollars, cheaper and safer.

sosage - 2012-06-12

I still dunno why this differs from the hundreds if not thousands on YT without funding that create similar videos every day. I am five starring for that.

Riskbreaker - 2012-06-12

Cuz she's fighting da man and she will open your eyes about a bunch of stuff she more or less already said in this video.

endlesschris - 2012-06-12

Her problem is believing video games have something to offer, and that portrayal of women within them is the real problem.

Sorry toots, your whole industry is a fucked wasteland. Who cares how many big boobs populate it.

Scrotum H. Vainglorious - 2012-06-12


Agent #1 - 2012-06-12

I thought the point of poetv was so that the comments here would be better than youtube comments.

Caminante Nocturno - 2012-06-12

This woman is a shameless flim-flam artist and the people giving her money are infinitely stupider than the people getting angry at her.

Riskbreaker - 2012-06-12

Agreed with Caminante. Sexism in video games is certainly a topic that should be discussed, but we can do that without, you know, giving money to some stranger.

Sudan no1 - 2012-06-12

At this point people are just donating to troll misogynist dorks, which is awesome.

Why am I not surprised the people most opposed to this also hate T&E?

Riskbreaker - 2012-06-12

She's asking money to make a bunch of youtube videos. Think about that for a moment.

Sudan no1 - 2012-06-12

She only asked for 6000, that's a modest sum that pays for the video games and studio space with a little extra, perhaps. You can't blame her for anything raised above that amount.

I've seen tentacle rape card games ask for more.

Hooker - 2012-06-12

A Tim and Eric reference! My God!

Riskbreaker - 2012-06-12

Unless she wants to review neo geo and pc engine games, with the actual hardware that is, she could easily emulate dozens of games from different eras and systems.

bongoprophet - 2012-06-12

Sudan is 100% right

except about T&E where he is 100% wrong

Sudan no1 - 2012-06-12

She probably wants to keep everything above board by buying the games, plus wimmen don't know how to pirate games amirite? uh-hyuk!

Thank you for redeeming the reputation of T&E haterz Bongo.

Caminante Nocturno - 2012-06-12

People are giving money to a con artist, but it's okay because doing so angers my enemies. Now if you'll excuse me, I need to go high-five the person who stole my wallet for giving the cops what-for.

Riskbreaker - 2012-06-12

If she's so passionate about the subject she has plenty of alternatives to start her project with not much money, but nevermind that, let's give her money for the lulz!

Sudan no1 - 2012-06-12

Ya'll are still crying??

All I have to say is: lulz

Riskbreaker - 2012-06-12

Anyone who declares themselves a "pop culture critic" has just started an uphill battle regarding credibility.

That guy - 2012-06-12

I only read the title, but who is this badass Tropes and how does he kickstart women?
Are they women who transform into motorcycles so you can ride them different ways??
Will it be on Xbox Kinect???

Riskbreaker - 2012-06-12

Stars for this comment.

jimmicampkin - 2012-06-12

It's a fair point that a male dominated medium hasn't exactly represented women fairly (Samus in MOST of the Metroids being the only exception that springs to mind.) As the balance changes and the industry becomes more accessible hopefully that will change, but it seems to me that this is not so much a Girls Smell philosophy as a We Can't Write For Shit handicap.

Maru - 2012-06-13

First avatar clothes, now this.

oswaldtheluckyrabbit - 2012-06-13

I do remember, as a kid, asking my parents why the women enemies always had whips as weapons in old Nintendo games

American Standard - 2012-06-13

I love it when people bitch about the amount of money superfunded Kickstarters make, as if that's the amount the creator originally asked for. It's like admitting how badly they're still determined to hate it, after all their other arguments against it have been vaporized.

I donated. And I wouldn't have if internet manbabies had kept their fat, beardy mouths shut. Rape culture needs to be talked about.

Caminante Nocturno - 2012-06-13

You people have an incredibly expensive victim complex.

American Standard - 2012-06-13

Five bucks to piss off thousands? Money well spent.

Maru - 2012-06-13

What's rape culture going to be replaced with though?

American Standard - 2012-06-19

Snuggle culture? I dunno, anything where girls and women don't have to be so fucking terrified all the time would be fine with me.

Maru - 2012-06-13

and I'm not convinced there isn't a huge contingent of fat beardy manbabies donating to this.

Maru - 2012-06-13

or svelte unbearded manmen not donating to it

Maru - 2012-06-13

what i'm saying is aren't you guilty of the same racism they are against women in games? i ask you.

rev.dinosaur - 2012-06-16

Always nice to return to a giant manbaby calling someone a "con artist" for attempting to discuss women in videogames. "GET OUT OF MY ROOM, YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND, MOM!" he screams, forever.

rev.dinosaur - 2012-06-16

Points are for the rest of the comments here, too. Gotta give youtube a run for their money, huh?

Caminante Nocturno - 2012-06-18

Eventually, you are going to suffocate under your own passive-aggressiveness and die.

CornOnTheCabre - 2012-06-18

At least they're actually opening themselves to be mocked and trying to articulate an opinion, rather than just being glib and self-aggrandizing.

"THE KEY TO PROPERLY POSITIONING FEMININITY IN MODERN SOCIETY IS TO NEVER EVER TALK ABOUT IT WITH PEOPLE WHO YOU SEE AS UNEDUCATED SUBHUMAN WASTE" they scream, not forever, just until they're dead and their opinion changes in relevance not one iota

NewHeavenSalesman - 2012-06-19

Do you really think that people like Caminante really have anything worth responding to about sexism in video games?

There's certainly room for debate (see Binro's thread), but that debate does not need to include creepy dipshits who on their first post in the video indicated that they had no problem with objectification and implied that feminists want to make all video game women boring and ugly.

also as a friendly note to Cam, trying to paint the other side as passive aggressive and whiny is usually best effected by not making pissy references to misogyny in other videos that aren't even discussing it! :3

Caminante Nocturno - 2012-06-19

If there is a way to discuss this subject seriously, this woman and you people are not the ones to do it with.

CornOnTheCabre - 2012-06-19

while I'm not going to debate the massive cockitude of Caminante and i'm not here to defend blatant misogyny, I think most of us can agree that one of the main problems plaguing gender relations is a complete and utter lack of communication -- particularly in impersonal, shorthand situations like these.

you can lob all the toxic invective you want about "obese, virginal manchildren like Caminante" and ostracize them from all the conversations you want, but all you're doing is widening the gap, and I think there's a tremendous, arrogant entitlement involved in rationalizing the same kind of reductive attitude that is supposedly being fought against.

I hear "but it's just so frustrating dealing with these assholes every day" a lot, frustration hasn't ever really been a viable excuse for dumping your collective angst on someone you view more as a figurehead for past indiscretions against you/your gender than an actual human being. this is feminism 101, really.

tl,dr: you aren't going to create a more equitable, just world by calling people names. you aren't "speaking their language," you're speaking what you've reduced their language to.

The God of Biscuits - 2012-06-18

I watched one of this lady's videos about TV shows (instead of Video Games). Holy God was it preachy. I think these won't be any good, but hey, it's her right to do it. And she only asked for ,000. It's not her fault that a bunch of self-hating guys gave her 0K for her crappy series.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2012-07-11


Maru - 2012-07-02

This is still stupid btw

fluffy - 2014-11-26

Oh how attitudes here have changed post-GamerGate.

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