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Comment count is 10
STABFACE - 2012-06-21

So, first you painstakingly craft tiny, fake food which is completely inedible. Then you leave said inedible, simulacra-food out for a while, and shrivels up and you throw it away, just like you would have anyway.

Five for an abject lesson in the futility of existence, I guess.

cognitivedissonance - 2012-06-21

I don't think he throws it away.

gambol - 2012-06-21

it just dries up

BiggerJ - 2012-06-21

The Japanese have a different definition of rotting. Nothing there is given the chance to Western-rot if it can at all.

cognitivedissonance - 2012-06-21

...unless there is a demand for it to rot in a sexy manner.

Kabbage - 2012-06-21

Tag of the decade

Redford - 2012-06-21

...the fuck are we gonna link that? POETV hates anime.

Kabbage - 2012-06-21

┐('~`;)┌ dunno!

Deplorable - 2012-06-22

It just get smaller and smaller until it blinks out of existence.

The Mothership - 2014-09-16

This is the strangest hobby.

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