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Comment count is 20
infinite zest - 2014-10-03

I got an iso of the first one and it was actually pretty entertaining. Didn't know there was a second one. At least this looks better than the most recent Die Hard movie.

infinite zest - 2014-10-03

And I say that because Die Hard 4 (the unrated version, not the pg-13 one) is better than 2 and 3 combined.

StanleyPain - 2014-10-03

I really liked Good Day to Die Hard. It just sort of barrels along like a traditional 80s movie with a ludicrous, over-the-top story line and every time you think the movie is going to slow down for some kind of derpy comic relief sequence or unnecessary romance sub-plot it doesn't and just keeps going.

The car chase in the first 10 minutes of the movie is almost worth the price of admission alone.

infinite zest - 2014-10-03

Good point. At this point McClane should join The Avengers. Actually I'd like to see that. It wasn't a terrible movie (and unlike the Theatrical cut of 4, his trademark line isn't bleeped by a gunshot sound.)

Nominal - 2014-10-04

2 was the worst of the first three but it was still loads better than 4 or 5.

The proper review of 5 will always be "It makes Diehard 4 look like Diehard 3."

SteamPoweredKleenex - 2014-10-04

I'll always love Die Hard 2 for the hilarious transition one scene made to TV. When John McClane unloads a machine gun full of blanks at a room full of cops to demonstrate they were tricked, the chorus of profanity is replaced with voiceovers saying random Mr. Rogers-esque swears in voices that don't even come close to those of the actors they're redubbing.

Azmo23 - 2014-10-03

which die hard movie was in las vegas?

Sexy Duck Cop - 2014-10-03

All second three of them.

infinite zest - 2014-10-03

Seems more logical than Russia. I'd say Die Hard in Space is next, but Lockout already did that. As much as Justin Long kind of pisses me off, 4 was great because its premise was fairly believable and McClane needs some sidekick to tell him what the hell to do before he starts kicking ass, so why not the "I'm a Mac" guy? Die Hard 1 is one of my favorite action movies, and I'd like to see a return to that, in Caesar's Palace or something.

Or just go the even more logical route and have Die Hard 6 in an Old Folks home.

duck&cover - 2014-10-03

Die Hard 6: Diapered Harder.

StanleyPain - 2014-10-03

Had John McTiernan not been thrown in jail who knows where the series would have gone. He had been slated to direct Die Hard 4 and had to be replaced. I didn't think 4 was terrible, but it could have definitely used a more balanced hand in terms of direction. (and I seriously doubt McTiernan would have allowed the sad-sack Kevin Smith bullshit to take up as much time as it did in the movie, let alone be in the film at all)

boner - 2014-10-04

Just watch the original again. That will totally satisfy any craving for another sequel. You might even find it on a real movie screen around christmas time.

infinite zest - 2014-10-04

I'd love to see it on the big screen again. I was like 6 when it came out and my dad took me anyway. I don't think he knew how many "fucks" were in the movie (for him, The Wild Bunch was an R, which by all standards is maybe a PG-13 these days) but in a way it was good: A "These are the words you don't say in school" father-son bonding moment.

infinite zest - 2014-10-04

Yeah the Smith cameo was unnecessary, and for the record I like most of his movies too. It was sort of a "woah it's Kevin Smith" moment that I thought would be over in 30 seconds. Nope. Also, I had no idea McTiernan was incarcerated.

Nominal - 2016-08-14

There is no way The Wild Bunch would be PG-13 today.

That's like Sam Jackson saying the original Robocop would be PG-13.

fluffy - 2014-10-03


Old_Zircon - 2014-10-03

Supposed to be "taken," but I think I'm going to leave it.

Old_Zircon - 2014-10-03

I got a new laptop last year and it has the worst keyboard I've ever owned, so my typing is even sloppier than usual lately.

SteamPoweredKleenex - 2014-10-04

For those who suspect that isn't actually Bruce Willis doing the voicework, you'd be correct. It's someone named "Eric Allen Baker," and this is the only credit he has to his name.

Best to go out on top, I say.

infinite zest - 2014-10-04

The imdb I saw just credited Baker with the first Die Hard Trilogy, and the second one says Jamie Scott, who's pretty much done sound design on every movie none of us have ever seen (including Red 2, which stars Willis.) You'd think Willis would've wanted to do it, given his gung-ho attitude towards 1997's Apocalypse, which sort of predicted the use of celebrity voices in videogames in a time when most critics just shrugged it off as a shameless marketing ploy.

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