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Comment count is 17
Mr. Purple Cat Esq. - 2015-03-12

They *could* be alpacas but apparently alpacas are really small. Heres a photo of one of them next to my bike..
Its pretty big. Also it did look like they had a course outer coat and fine inner coat.

These animals are probably quite common in other countries but I'd never seen one before.

ashtar. - 2015-03-12

We don't need your cryptozoology quackery. No evidence for the existence of Llamas has ever been confirmed. I would guess that these are common sheepdogs, possibly suffering from rickets.

Mr. Purple Cat Esq. - 2015-03-12

Also I fed the donkeys some crunchie bar

Adham Nu'man - 2015-03-12

I miss crunchie bars, but cadbury's flakes even more.

EvilHomer - 2015-03-12

Flakes are too good for mere donkeys.

Also, fuck you guys, now I want a 99 Flake but can't have one.

Binro the Heretic - 2015-03-12

I get Crunchie & Aero bars in the "international foods" aisle at Publix.

I think the only place I ever saw Flake was at a World Market.

EvilHomer - 2015-03-12

Aero Bars are sometimes sold at Stop & Shop around here, but sadly, they usually taste funny - like they've been sitting on a shelf too long and turned soured. I'll still buy them, because Aero Bars, but it's very disappointing.

Flakes are nowhere to be found. :(

infinite zest - 2015-03-13

I saw "Aero Bars" and thought this was New Zealand or Australia, that's the only place I've ever seen them. Never seen them in the US, but I guess I'm not necessarily actively looking. The mint kind reminds me of my Australian uncle.

The best thing about having to do clerical stuff at my work was the fact that we were right down the street from a goat pasture that just sort of appeared out of nowhere. There was a large unused two-block field that was unused, so the city brought in some goats to, well, mow the lawn. And this was right in the middle of the city. So I'd go over there on my lunch breaks or after work and just watch the goats do their thing. Then one day they were gone. I guess I wasn't the only person who asked "where's the goats?" because a business owner across the street purchased said goats. Second time around it was a lot friendlier: you could walk in there, feed the goats.. I got to meet the new additions to the family.. everybody loved it.

And then the inevitable happened: the plot of land was going to be turned into condos so the goats had to be evicted. Perfect metaphor for Portland Oregon in general right now but now the poor goats had about 6 months and nowhere to go. So my house turned out adopting two of them temporarily as well as others in the community and kept them until a new permanent place was found. Now the goats live on the outskirts of inner-Portland, near what I think is still a Rajneeshee compound or something, so I don't see them as much anymore. Anyway that's my four-legged friend story that's not about cats or dogs..

EvilHomer - 2015-03-13

Aero are, to the best of my knowledge, originally a UK thing. The bars have been exported to the loyal Colonies - Canada, Middle Earth, Mad Max Island - but are only found as overpriced import items here in America. Mint Aero is the tits, even better than Original flavour!

Two other things I miss are Orangina and Ricicles. Orangina is actually French-Algerian, and it's very hard to find over here; Trader Joes and the occasional North African deli/gas station, but Trader Joes charges Trader Joes prices for it. Ricicles, I have NEVER seen over here, but Frost Rice Krispies are somewhat close.

Binro the Heretic - 2015-03-12

I'll bet you had to go a long way to get that footage.

EvilHomer - 2015-03-12

Is there some rule about singing that song in Tipperary?

infinite zest - 2015-03-13

Haha.. had to look it up.. I guess until fairly recently they had "Welcome to Tipperary" signs that said "You've come a long way" on them, but they got removed.

Mr. Purple Cat Esq. - 2015-03-13

Yeah if you were to sing it while actually *in* Tipperary it would violate logic and you would be set upon by a violent mob of Tipp logicians, who rove the land in packs, along with llamas.

EvilHomer - 2015-03-13

Are you really from Tipperary? What's it like?

Mr. Purple Cat Esq. - 2015-03-14

I never said I was from Tipp. I'm from Waterford city, born and raised. A city founded by vikings where Waterford crystal is made. For most of my adult life I've lived in Dublin though, cus thats where college was and now friends and jobs. I'm currently living in my parents house out in the middle of nowhere in county Kilkenny as my last landlord in Dublin sold the house I was living in and I'm still looking for decent replacement, also I can work remotely in my current job. (I actually posted my attempt at a timelpase video from this house on my channel)
My cycle that day had taken me over the county border from Kilkenny to Tipperary.
My view on Ireland is that Dublin is like Irelands asshole, its the worst and most unfriendly part of the country, (though foreigners there often comment that it is great and the people are so friendly) Imo once you get out of the city it really is amazing, there are amazing and storied landscapes all over the place and the people really are super-friendly, like down in the area I am at now or anywhere in the west. Ive done quite a bit of cycling round the country (I once cycled from the extreme southerly tip, Mizen, to the extreme northerly tip, Malin) and nothing beats cycling in some amazingly picturesque rugged landscape with these longhorn sheep roaming about (they dont even bother with fences for them out in the west) I also like that Ireland is pleasantly cool (it never gets extremely hot or cold) and doesnt have loads of bugs, this is something I appreciate when I get back here from being somewhere like Italy or the south of France for example.

yogarfield - 2015-03-13

Hey! You're white! You big fucking liar!

Mr. Purple Cat Esq. - 2015-03-13

Many of the organs which compose the bulk of my body are purple. Stop being so damn superficial!

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