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Comment count is 10
The Mothership - 2015-08-11

Wait, this isn't the TT.

blue vein steel - 2015-08-12

the TT is a stand alone event, with a somewhat open entry. Most of the top riders also participate in street circuit racing. Same style of racing as the TT, in that they are held on actual roads, but on different courses around Ireland and the northern UK. Basically you have to have experience in those races to enter in the top levels of the TT. Basically the most traditional form of motorcycle racing.

This is one of those types of races, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ulster_Grand_Prix

infinite zest - 2015-08-11

Holy shit. And I thought my broken toes was bad. But I returned to work today, so keep doing what you love even if other people think you're crazy!

blue vein steel - 2015-08-12

"I'll be back to work tomorrow."
http://www.scunthorpetelegraph.co.uk/Guy-Martin-ll-work-Tuesda y-Ulster-Grand-Prix/story-27578866-detail/story.html

He is also on the short list to be one of the next hosts of Top Gear

infinite zest - 2015-08-12

Wow.. actually now I think he's crazy.

But I've never been on a motorcycle. I was out for a month on doctors orders because my job is physically demanding on the place where I got injured; if I chopped off a finger, I could still perform the job fine. And I do know that ribs heal quickly.. don't know about the other two.. Is.. it.. OK to ride a motorcycle.. like this? Please tell me it is. D:

SolRo - 2015-08-12

His body produces large doses of opioids naturally.

yogarfield - 2015-08-12

"dude, are you ok?"

mouser - 2015-08-12

The mud faceplanting at the end adds to the comical of the ragy doll being flipped around.

Old_Zircon - 2015-08-12

Needs "ragdoll physics" tag.

chumbucket - 2015-08-12

So I'm guessing he didn't finish.

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