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Comment count is 4
Xenocide - 2016-09-09

So it's the same utopian future as Star Trek, but now they're just boldly going to other parts of the world and setting them up with, like, libraries and running water and stuff? That seems less fun, but on the other hand, our heroes are wearing ugly mustard-colored jumpsuits.

Robin Kestrel - 2016-09-10

Yeah, utopian future in that mankind almost got wiped out, and this near-extinction allowed the Earth to heal.

Rodents of Unusual Size - 2016-09-11

Is this the one where Amazons had a village where they kept men docile by spiking their food with some kind of drug that made them their slaves?

Lurchi - 2016-10-13

yup, but John Saxon AIN'T HAVIN IT

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