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Comment count is 9
Sexy Duck Cop - 2017-10-01

For the description alone.

Bisekrankas - 2017-10-01

Fair enough, GoT is good, but last season was a mess. The 'persuade cersei by zombie kidnapping' scheme is just the dumbest thing.

poopy - 2017-10-02

For the description alone.

namtar - 2017-10-01

Why ya gotta make me one star a clip from The Wire because of some GOT complaint? Guess what? The last season of The Wire had issues too.

At least Jon Snow isn't faking a serial killer.

Bisekrankas - 2017-10-02

So sending some of the most important people on a mission hundreds of miles away against an undead army that they know is almost invincible to kidnap a single zombie in order to persuade cersei, who will very likely ignore it anyways on the other side of the world seems like a good plan? Sounds like the kind of plan my roleplaying group would come up with after the first rounds of whiskey.

It just stinks of force bending in an unlikely storyline in order to make sure the white walkers has something that counter the dragons.

I really enjoy game of thrones but last season felt like trying to force puzzle pieces together for the final showdown season.

Bisekrankas - 2017-10-02

Fine changed the description. I still feel this season was super weak

Bisekrankas - 2017-10-02

Oh fuck, did I just put time back on the clock

Raggamuffin - 2017-10-02

the fuck you doing changing your description? That's not how the game is played.

Mr. Purple Cat Esq. - 2017-10-02

I'm with the curmudgeons this time. Mentioning that other show in the same sentence as the wire is all kinds of wrong.

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