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Comment count is 6
simon666 - 2019-02-16

For the Master System version, there was a code/cheat for this game where you had to press the pause button on the console 100 times before the load screen switches in order to active continues. It was impossible to press the button that many times :(

The Mothership - 2019-02-16

This was a fucking hard arcade game. And the version that was full-on 5-point harness rotating cabinet was $2.00 a ride, and that was expensive for a 10 yo on a fixed allowance.

I played it many times and have no regrets is what I'm saying.

Mr. Purple Cat Esq. - 2019-02-16

The graphics, music, gameplay, rotatyness, presentation of the cabinet, all came together cohesively to make a shallow but very powerful experience.

Old_Zircon - 2019-02-16

It's good but I usually went for Marble Madness, Golden Axe, Magic Sword, Smash TV or Gyruss.

Vindicators was great, too, but it was only around at one sub shop two towns over for about 6 months so I didn't get much time with it.

Old_Zircon - 2019-02-16

If you never got the chance to play a Vindicators arcade cab, this is what you missed:


gmol - 2019-02-17

I remember I was at some museum/astronomy exhibit and they had a Galaxy Force cab that you could play for free.

I still haven't forgotten about that day.

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