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The Mothership - 2019-03-03

Misogyny tag.

Nominal - 2019-03-03

There was a time early on in the striped shirt fashion where you could wear them for a night out and not be labeled as "desperately trying to get laid". Then they got to the point of being such a cliche that they didn't stand for anything else.

Neckbeards hit that point nearly ten years ago. There's no excuse anymore.

Ugh - 2019-03-03

dude must be up to diabetes 4 by now holy moly

Born in the RSR - 2019-03-03

All these younger neckbeards totally stole his schtick. Granted the new generation has a much more polished presentation, but Demonius really missed the boat on the alt-right grift.

SolRo - 2019-03-03

It took off because because all those closeted homophobes prefer a fit 20–to-30something yelling their racism and misogyny at them.

The TFL and fat neck beard stage of the movement was too much like staring into a mirror of sadness.

TeenerTot - 2019-03-03

Yeah, ONLY men invented cell phones.
Read a book, you ignorant fuck.

blue vein steel - 2019-03-03

holy shit, this is a blast from the past.

"Those guys are a bunch of SJW fuckwits..."
Welp, he's adapting to the times.

Marlon Brawndo - 2019-03-04

I want to donate money to women that film themselves turning him down publicly.

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