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Desc:'Every time I have a long day, I look at my penguin... and I smile.'
Tags:, bubble, NFT, Pudgy Penguin, cryptoscams
Submitted:Jack Dalton
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Comment count is 4
Jimmy Labatt - 2021-12-21

I so want this to be real.

Cena_mark - 2021-12-21

It is.

Jack Dalton - 2021-12-21

It is probably fake, but the hype around NFTs is so absurd that I am willing to believe it could be real. Put yourself in the mindset of NFTs "investors (which might be painful).. a lot of these NFts projects sell themselves as a way to buy status into an exclusive community, and they only succeed with the right combination of influencer hype and people worried about missing out on the next big "thing." Jumping on an NFT project where the value increases probably feels really vindicating -- it is basically high-stakes gambling. You could see the value of your shitty NFT increase by thousands... but once you are in the game, you pretty much have to "invest yourself" to keep the perceived value of NFTs as bullish as possible -- because if it ever fails, you will have to confront a reality where you actually believed you could become a millionaire buying and selling a hyperlink on "the blockchain" that directs you to shitty art that you don't actually own.... the thing people still fail to understand is that in almost all cases, all you own is a link that directs you to a URL where the image resides. The domain could expire, or someone could buy that URL and replace your Bored Ape with a big gaping asshole -- and that is your NFT.

Jimmy Labatt - 2021-12-22

This. I want it to be this. NFT bros deserve nothing less!

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