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Comment count is 10
jihadbaby - 2007-06-29

She also sang with the amazing mexican band Plastilina Mosh. The link below is to a fan made "video" for a song which includes Mrs March singing:


onemorepanic - 2007-06-29

simple contribution, but thanks for the heads up. i thought i'd heard all of her work.

jihadbaby - 2007-06-29

Yeah I know, she does feature more prominently on several other tracks such as "I've Got that Milton Pacheco Kinda' Feeling" and "Aquamosh" (especially the former), but I couldn't find any sort of video for them.

onemorepanic - 2007-07-05

I'm diggin' the disc.

Spit Spingola - 2007-06-29

Gotta love April March. Her work on Ren & Stimpy was great too, she cowrote some of the best episodes when she was dating John K.

PegLegPete - 2007-06-29

Picazzo five influence? Cute girl.

zatojones - 2007-06-29

Yeah she's adorable.

revdrew - 2007-06-29

Jesus, she's an animator AND co-wrote R&S, too?

baleen - 2007-06-29

April March is cute and everything, but I've never liked her as much as the original yeh yeh pop she's trying to copy so cleverly with fashion and technique. Francoise Hardy, Bridget Bardot and France Gall are so much more fun. This video brilliantly copies the look and feel of a video from this strange little niche of music, but pretty much that's all it does.

onemorepanic - 2007-06-30

To be honest, I think you nailed it. I've always seen Misses March as a guilty pleasure, and apparently many others do as well.
One of those things you love-that rides along the edge of terrible but for some self-assured reason you just can't get enough of.
If there was poetv bulb, you'd have it.

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