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And please consider not blocking ads here. They help pay for the server. Pennies at a time. Literally.

Comment count is 4
Jeriko-1 - 2022-05-15

Don't let the door hit ya!

Seriously, this is likely a 'They persecute my right wing, white male values!' temper tantrum where he can't figure out this makes people not like him. And they are allowed to not like him.

Gmork - 2022-05-15

That sucks. Loved his work on the Myth series, sad to find out his politics/behavioral issues were so shitty.

The Mothership - 2022-05-15

1: I have no idea who this person is.
2: I love it when folks decide to retire from social media.
3: Be gone!
4: You'll be happier somewhere else.
5: All the best! I wish you well.

TeenerTot - 2022-05-16


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