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Comment count is 5
Accidie - 2022-12-18

it's pretty special when nascar stuff becomes actually entertaining.

yogarfield - 2022-12-18

This is from NASCAR Radioactive. If they were able to broadcast this live, NASCAR would be insanely popular because these rednecks say some hilarious shit while rubbing cars at 200mph.


Driver cams.


Leviathant - 2022-12-18

I saw another supercut of this, mostly crowd shots, and it took a few iterations for me to understand just how bonkers it was. From most of the angles I saw, it's just "oh he's smashing along the outside of the track, how unexpected" but there are one or two angles where it looks like the car is breaking the laws of physics.

Found it! It's 11 minutes, which is 11 minutes more NASCAR than I've watched since I was like, 8, but it's got great crowd reactions, and also audio from the other teams that are like "did... did we just lose?"

IDGAF about racing but this was really cool to watch.


duck&cover - 2022-12-18

There wasn't already bleeding in sports?

Crab Mentality - 2022-12-19

I like how his opponents mostly react with jealousy, clearly all wishing they'd thought to do that.

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