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Comment count is 7
Jeriko-1 - 2023-02-08

Annnd now that's gone!
I'll admit I've been making a sick game of watching here and there during the last 48 hours of brilliant YouTubers -re-posting the unedited footage- of the incident and counting down their last minutes...

Maggot Brain - 2023-02-08

Anyone have a transcript of the joke?

casualcollapse - 2023-02-08

Check again my dude, I updated it

Maggot Brain - 2023-02-08

Okay~ So, the computer wrote a Chappelle/CK joke. Got it ๐Ÿ‘

Gmork - 2023-02-13

holy crap it didnt even make a joke it straight up just said things you see in youtube comments

Nominal - 2023-02-09

Feb 6
Replying to
Actually, at this point in American history - liberals are pedophiles. The liberals have always been the free love party and since the homosexual love has already been freed, they are now the pedophilia party. It be how it is.

Crackersmack - 2023-02-13

doesn't seem to have anything to do with trans people

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