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yogarfield - 2023-02-21

I live next to a particularly famous park in Seattle that is a tourist trap / sunny day stretch out and spot. Google "gasworks park".

When I'm training on my bike I used to ride through there around 4:30 in the morning. Most of the people taking selfies and lying in the grass don't know that hundreds of geese and the occasional raft of ducks spent all morning shitting fucking everywhere before taking off for the morning. I'm not exaggerating at all - it's a literal shitshow.

Geese scat tends to be a little more solid, but this is about a 50/50 for all the ducks I've seen blast off.

100% on me laughing at people making IG posts with selfie sticks while rolling around in waterfowl foul.

glasseye - 2023-02-21

Can confirm, I used to live a few miles away.

Even with the sea of shit, it's a beautiful spot.

yogarfield - 2023-02-21

Oh, no doubt Gasworks is always entertaining. It's a few minutes walk from my house. I'm pretty much equidistant from the park and the Troll.

People watching at the park, tourist heckling at the Troll.

Have you ever climbed the works? It's terrifying, but the view from the top tower is unreal. It's a sensation heightened by the fact that several people have fallen and died trying to get where you're sitting.

garcet71283 - 2023-02-22

Gasworks is terrible but anyone remember Jaunita Beach in the 90s?

They should’ve shot those long necked fuckers.

yogarfield - 2023-02-22

Used to fish out in Juanita, but not worth the drive tbh.

I have first person vids of me trying to run over geese at Gasworks on my morning rides. If I get bored / unbusy enough I'll throw one in the hopper.

Isn't Juanita one of the beaches that has the daily mass crow exoduses?

duck&cover - 2023-02-22

Flapping my arms, I began to cluck
Look at me, I'm the Diarrhea Duck

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