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Comment count is 6
Gmork - 2023-08-22

"Which one is the LFO, the chicken or the piggy...?"

Cena_mark - 2023-08-22

Still less of a toy than anything Teenage Engineering puts out, and VTech doesn't charge $2000 for their products.

Gmork - 2023-08-22

TE products are great if you only buy pocket operators. Po-32 tonic with the microtonic vst has replaced all my other drums.

Gmork - 2023-08-22

Also have you seen their 1500$ table? 🤣

Cena_mark - 2023-08-22

Maybe I should check that one out. I messed with one at a Guitar Center, and didn't really think much of them, but I looked up some videos of the PO-32 and it does have some nice sounds. I love portable gear the most as I love being able to jam in a bus or bar.

That table is the go to punch line for any TE hater.

Mr. Purple Cat Esq. - 2023-08-24

But why buy a little physical device drum machine when u can have pretty much every audio device to ever exist replicated on one computer? .. and u can control it however u want with any kind of midi input.

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