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Comment count is 11
Nominal - 2023-11-11

Amazingly helpful "section" dividers

EVE Online is like Dwarf Fortress where reading stories about events is infinitely more fun than actually playing the game. 99.7% of playtime was tedious money grinding, logistics, and desperately searching for a good fight to get into with only 0.3% being getting CLOSE TO real fights. It was mostly blobbing to jump another party, who easily fled or stalled until they could get a bigger blob, back and forth and so on. You could try forcing a fight at player stations, but "POS warfare" was the most boring fucking "action" in the game.

Sludge Vohaul - 2023-11-11

I agree completely. I wasted the better part of year trying to enjoy this game. In theory it's right up my alley. In practice it's like second job the game.

The only fun I ever had was following around a dude who would find miners who set themselves up to mine asteroids in HiSec and go AFK. He would gently bump their ships until they were out of mining range and then stick around to drink their hot tears of rage when they came back after an hour.

Griefing is really the only thing that EvE has to offer.

Nominal - 2023-11-11

It's fascinating how the entire economy, industry, and logistics are organically formed by players. The downside is it ends up being about as fun as running real world economy, industry, and logistics.

I played it about 2 years. There were maybe 3 moments of sheer high rush I got when scoring a huge piece of loot or ganking other players that probably won't be rivaled by another game experience. But playing for 2 whole years of grinding boredom and false starts, just to get maybe 10 minutes of rush? Fuck that.

duck&cover - 2023-11-11

The Goons from Something Awful loved fucking with people on EVE Online.

Gmork - 2023-11-12

I got that same rush raiding some intricate and well defended bases with people in the zombie voxel game 7 days to die. The emergent gameplay in games like these can truly outshine anything preplanned or scripted.

Or if you're playing a competitive shooter and you actually find a group who you click with. I've heard tales that it can also happen in the workplace but I have yet to see this happen.

cognitivedissonance - 2023-11-12

I play 7d2d. I turn off the zombies and treat it as a meth head simulator, building absurd bases.

cognitivedissonance - 2023-11-11

I WAS ON WHITE WOLF STAFF during the events of this documentary. They drained White Wolf of writers first, and then pillaged the properties they’d held since the late 80s, and then they sold the husk to Paradox, who sold Masquerade to some French Nazis who immediately tried to anti-Wokify the most Woke game ever. Requiem was leased to Onyx Path, which was asking the writers to buy their own property back. Atlanta White Wolf people were then dragged and doxxed by the Nazis simply for existing, I have multiple friends who went into hiding (one just moved to Japan). I left prior to the breakup, but I was privy to a lot of the drama.

White Wolf was never managed well. They never knew what they had as far as IP goes, they were always trying to get movies made. The CCP MMO was total vaporware and nakedly so. Part of this was due to Blizzard making promises on the Warcraft TTRPG they had no intention of keeping, and while I focused on Requiem, we didn’t see that a certain class of player on Masquerade was ONLY there for the freedom to roleplay a sociopath, and ignored any of the narrative/satirical/moral points made in the text. Much like Warhammer 40k, the fact that vampires are not good guys was lost.

MacGyver Style Bomb - 2023-11-11

Man, even back in the 90s during the heyday of the old WoD everything didn't seem properly organized. And yeah, a lot of the younger players saw Vampire as a license to be awful. 30 Years on and I still say fuck to Tremere power struggles.

cognitivedissonance - 2023-11-11

Requiem gave the Tremere back to Mage. That and the loss of Celerity rounds created a hate campaign. It was really dumb.

MacGyver Style Bomb - 2023-11-11

Yeah, that would do it.

Gave up on WoD around the time they ended the original version. Eventually sold those books when I was strapped for cash. The fact that I kept books for other games and not WoD tells you a lot.

Still have a pile of 10-siders, though.

Juice Eggs McKenna - 2023-11-17

Meanwhile Internet Historian dropped a 20 minute video about classical music without any build-up.

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