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Comment count is 12
Binro the Heretic - 2024-04-25

Weird how all these institutions of higher learning let pricks like Milo Yiannopoulos, Ben Shapiro and Jordan Peterson come in and speak in the interest of "promoting free speech" but bring in the cops when people want to say Israel shouldn't be doing a genocide.

SolRo - 2024-04-25

Many large for-profit universities are now run by conservative shitheels catering to billionaire donors (many of them Zionists)

The Mothership - 2024-04-25

Bullshit! This is just horrible! This video has NOTHING, NOTHING I say, to do with Unreal Tournament.

Dis-invest from Epic Shames!

Hey Hey, Ho Ho! Xan Kriegor has got to go!

From the River to the Coret Facility,
Video Games must be free!

But seriously... tag jokes aside, this appears to be a ridiculous overreaction on the part of UT Austin. https://www.statesman.com/story/news/local/2024/04/24/ut-austin-ca mpus-student-protest-arrest-pro-palestine-protests-walk-out/734251 49007/

Binro the Heretic - 2024-04-27

God damn, I miss Unreal Tournament.

Or maybe I just miss the weekend LAN parties where I would get together with friends & play it.

ashtar. - 2024-04-26

Ideological consistency is very very dead in the mainstream. Anyone on TV professing a value will betray it next week and will never be held to account.

I guess I don't know if it ever really was better than it is now? But it's weird how little what people say means anything.

Anaxagoras - 2024-04-26

You know, I think it did used to be better, if only for this reason: the news didn't use to rely on talking heads for the majority of their content. Oh sure, they were brought on sometimes, but there was also actual reporting & information. Nowadays, however, most of their content is nonsense analysis delivered by the talking heads, so they're brought on all the damn time... so they need to have opinions on all sorts of things. And I imagine there's a certain amount of pressure for their analysis to conform to the dominant narrative of the show. (Either that, or they need to fulfill their designated role of "Opposition liberal" or whatever)

Anyways, that's my 2 cents. Tune in next week for another episode of "This really grinds my gears".

Lef - 2024-04-26

Chomsky agrees with you. News is dead. You could ready a quality newspaper and get useful data out of it. That's long gone.

Crackersmack - 2024-04-26

Everything is a cult now.

Gmork - 2024-04-26

oh look, more dystopia

Lef - 2024-04-26

Medical dystopia yesterday!
Totalitarian dystopia today!
Post-apocalyptic dystopia tomorrow!

Cena_mark - 2024-04-27

In America, you're free to criticize your government just not Israel.

Nominal - 2024-04-28

I've seen over half a dozen of these in my local area. The contrast in campus police response really is striking.

Any pro Israel (ethnic cleansing) rally has the surrounding cops facing outward, obviously to protect the demonstrators from outside threats.

Any pro Palestinian (can we not do ethnic cleansing?) rally gas them surrounding and facing the demonstrators. The demonstrators ARE the threat and they are very obviously trying to intimidate them, just waiting for an excuse (or not) to arrest them.

This whole thing has turned so many people into Alan Dershowitz. Even Bort came back just to pull a Dersh.

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