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Comment count is 23
a flaming monkey - 2007-09-13

I was just waiting for the dog to leap head first into the mirror world...Or, more satisfyingly, realising the illusion and biting its owner's neck, thus defeating his double once and for all.

boner - 2007-09-13

I've never been able to get my own dogs to look in a mirror or think something on TV is real. Spoilsports

bang to buck ratio - 2007-09-13

I think dogs don't have persistence of vision and thus can't really "appreciate" TV. My guess is this dog is just reacting to the movement in the mirror.

Xiphias - 2007-09-14

that is the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard

bang to buck ratio - 2007-10-08

That's what they taught us at film school, man, I don't know.

Adramelech - 2007-09-13

For some reason I think this would work better with slo-mo and dramatic opera music.

Smellvin - 2007-09-13

The dog I had as a child did that for about fifteen second when he was first put in front of a mirror as a puppy. He figured it out after that and never reacted to it again.

Therefore, I must conclude that this adult dog is below-average.

Meerkat - 2007-09-13

The dog would probably behave exactly the same way if it were a hunk of plywood. I don't think he is reacting to the reflection, but rather a big hunk of glass his owner is shoving in his face for reasons the dog does not grok.

athodyd - 2007-09-13

I believe there are few things this dog does successfully grok.

bakune young - 2007-09-13


Stog - 2007-09-13

hahahaha Grok

dienerinlb - 2007-09-13

Yay Boxers! So sweet and incredibly dumb.

wtf japan - 2007-09-13

I disagree with the latter part of that description. Labradors are dumb. Boxers affect stupidity. I think they are the most expressive and self-aware of the dog breeds.

Xiphias - 2007-09-14

ok I take it back, THIS is the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard

Menudo con queso - 2007-09-13

"Oh, if you want it to be possessive it's just 'its,' but if it's supposed to be a contraction then it's I-T apostrophe S! ...scalawag."

bizzaro - 2007-09-13

fuck yous intarweb grammar police.

Stog - 2007-09-13



Quad9Damage - 2007-09-13

+ 1 because boxers are awesome and misunderstood.

glasseye - 2007-09-13

Haha, dogs are dumb.

Camonk - 2007-09-13

It's okay, doggy. We all have days like this.

j lzrd / swift idiot - 2007-09-13

Boxers get my vote for Dumb But Lovable. Also, that other boxer in the mirror looked awfully fast compared to the real dog!

Aubrey McFate - 2007-09-14

This is making me miss my boxer back home. They are the sweetest breed.

Jeriko-1 - 2007-11-21

I was waiting for the dog in the mirror to stop moving.

"Hey, what the- OH SHI-!!!"

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