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Comment count is 16
Caminante Nocturno - 2007-12-26

That's right, keep running. Faster, they can catch up to you at that speed!

Udderdude - 2007-12-26

Did they even think to have a garden hose on hand?

theFlu - 2007-12-26

they just launched off a ladder onto a burning sheet of wood... they don't seem the type to take things like hoses into consideration

Camonk - 2007-12-26

I like this one even more than the others, because those kids sound foreign, so one of them definitely deserves some skin grafts.

mouser - 2008-06-20

Definitely from the province of Quebec. From their accent, I'd guess a deep rural region. We do have rednecks.

Camonk - 2008-10-13

Isn't Canada basically 80% redneck?

garcet71283 - 2007-12-26

Best slow motion vocals ever!

Repomancer - 2007-12-26

Didja get any onya?

Jeff Fries - 2007-12-27

Extra star for the chorus of the dead

FISTFULLofSOUL - 2007-12-28

for that comment!

Big Beef Burritos Supreme - 2008-02-11


klingerbgoode - 2007-12-28

much better

Aernaroth2 - 2007-12-28

Why do they never think to stop drop and roll? Not that I care.

andru strange - 2007-12-29

eh. needs more pain.

glasseye - 2007-12-29


FABIO2 - 2008-02-10

I like how all these videos have the victim's friends prepared for the GAS fire by having a small amount of water on hand nearby.

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