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Comment count is 14
Ben Richards - 2009-01-14

1 star for her gigantic upper lip, what she is doing with it isn't the draw, look at the size of it!

1 star for her smoker's cough at the end, it would have been better if she just ended there.

wtf japan - 2009-01-14

I must be incredibly sheltered, because I didn't know that whatever this thing is was a subculture.

RealmOne - 2009-01-14

I have to ask. Is that a menorah on her chest. If that is true that is the first Heeb I know who has lips that could pack gefilte fish.

Keefu - 2009-01-14

Awful. She looks so made up and glossed as to be synthetic.

Scrotum H. Vainglorious - 2009-01-14

Charro had a daughter?

TeflonDoc - 2009-01-14

Five just because I can't make it past 30 seconds.
Is she from that Twilight Zone episode with the pig people?

GoodAaron - 2009-01-15


Ghoul - 2009-01-15

Jeez, I thought this was a man at first. This abomination is a terrifying parody of the female form; a sad drag queen's vision of how a woman should look, sound and act.

Disaster - 2009-01-15

The upper lip is all drawn on.

baleen - 2009-01-15

I'm fairly sure this is a joke.

Disaster - 2009-01-15

nope, dead serious.

fatatty - 2009-01-15

Yeah I'm pretty sure she's serious. And apparently thinks she's going to start a clothing line to go along with her burgeoning singing career.

King of Balls - 2009-01-15

Is this a scenester, really? My vote is "tranny".

big pincers - 2009-01-15

bratz in real life. the sweater is a bonus.

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