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Comment count is 14
freedoom - 2009-04-12

That poor raccoon, it's clearly trying to get away and is attacking out of self defense. this guy is quite a dick.

fluffy - 2009-04-13

I dunno, if that raccoon wanted to hurt the dude, the dude would probably not have a face anymore.

I mean the guy is totally punchable, and so is the girl who is doing the annoying stoner-laugh thing the whole time, but the raccoon seems to be used to it, at least.

Evilhead - 2009-04-13

I like how he pushes it's nose at about :30.

DerangedGoblin - 2009-04-13


MightierThanTheSword - 2009-04-13

I started laughing at :56 and couldn't stop.

8bitwintermute - 2009-04-13

-1 for that woman's laugh

TeenerTot - 2009-04-13

:40--Ow my freakin ears!

Also, I can tell from her laugh that she's one of those bleached-blond fake-tanned girls who went "to the lake" every other weekend in high school, and drinks Milwaukee's Best (secretly hating it but wants to impress the boys), and she makes that smoosh-mouth face in every photo. But those photo ops are growing fewer, as the boys attentions are now turned to younger girls, whose skin hasn't yet succumbed to the leathery fate hers has.

karl hungus - 2009-04-13

not everything is about you, you know.

Oldmacho - 2009-04-13

Stars are for Karl.

And as for the hasty generalization, I know a rough and tumble dyke that that sounds exactly like the camera woman.

chumbucket - 2009-04-13

he failed to find the point at which the animal will draw his blood, I'll guess we'll have to wait until the next CNN Breaking News of man loses face to pet raccoon.

Big Beef Burritos Supreme - 2009-04-13

Poor fucking raccoon!

Cube - 2009-04-13

I call the big one bitey.

Avengingatheist - 2009-04-15

Poor, poor raccoon

fluffy - 2010-06-01

oh god I hadn't made it far enough to see him PICK THE RACOON UP BY THE TAIL what the hell

How is that possibly okay?

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