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Comment count is 18
zatojones - 2009-07-30

oh no! I thought when they had left on that train they were gone for good, but they came back! THEY CAME BACK!

Billy the Poet - 2009-07-30

Nothing was done. My prediction has come to pass. Now they are legion. If anyone wants me, I'll have committed suicide. I'll leave some bullets, for those of you who are wise.

fatatty - 2009-07-30

Who gave that middle aged woman a camera and green screen? Her children will never live this down.

The Townleybomb - 2009-07-30

Seven little, six little, five little seals....

phalsebob - 2009-07-30



Wise words...

RomancingTrain - 2009-07-30

So that's what flashes before a babby's eyes before SIDS.

twinkieafternoon - 2009-07-30

It's demonic when they sing and their lips move. It's like they're speaking in tongues, but it sounds adorable.

Camonk - 2009-07-30

I know they exist, but I can't fathom the person who finds this adorable, much less anything but horrifying and awful.

nuzzles - 2009-07-31

Featuring state of the art Clutch Cargo technology.

I have a video that I taped off some local independent TV station. It was a Christmas special called, like..."A Barnyard Christmas" or something and it had animals "singing" Christmas songs, only with the creepy superimposed (human) mouths.

It was then followed by a Little Aubrey cartoon with a little black kid who wanted to shine Santa's shoes and then, "A Howdy-Doody Christmas".

Why this channel only lasted like, a year, I will never know.

IrishWhiskey - 2009-07-31

The origin of the song. And a damn good murder mystery:

Ten little Nigger boys went out to dine;
One choked his little self and then there were nine.

Nine little Nigger boys sat up very late;
One overslept himself and then there were eight.

Eight little Nigger boys travelling in Devon;
One said he'd stay there and then there were seven.

Seven little Nigger boys chopping up sticks;
One chopped himself in half and then there were six.

Six little Nigger boys playing with a hive;
A bumblebee stung one and then there were five.

Five little Nigger boys going in for law;
One got in Chancery and then there were four.

Four little Nigger boys going out to sea;
A red herring swallowed one and then there were three.

Three little Nigger boys walking in the zoo;
A big bear hugged one and then there were two.

Two Little Nigger boys sitting in the sun;
One got frizzled up and then there was one.

One little Nigger boy left all alone;
He went out and hanged himself and then there were none.

IrishWhiskey - 2009-07-31

Apologies in advance for the racial epithets, but given the Evil involved with the music, babies, carving knife, and history, I figured it was relevant.

phalsebob - 2009-07-31

No need to apologise Boggy McPaddy.

Uulanbaatorbaby - 2009-07-31


cognitivedissonance - 2009-07-31

And thus a little Tim Heidecker was born.

fluffy - 2009-07-31

Every scene one-ups the last.

dicktatortot - 2009-07-31

NO! I demand a refund or a quick death. The disembodied heads floating around the baby crib made me remember my childhood home that was haunted as hell...I think I have PTSD now.

Caminante Nocturno - 2009-08-01

Do not take LSD if you are breastfeeding a child.

Oswald that Endswald - 2012-05-26

w-what do they want?

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