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Desc:Sickening violence: just the way you like it (now in convenient movie form)
Tags:big daddy, kick-ass, mark millar, hit girl, red mist
Submitted:infinite zest
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Comment count is 10
La Loco - 2009-11-11

I'm only going to watch this if there is a scene where the cosplay kids fight furries.

infinite zest - 2009-11-11

The director's only done two other movies- Layer Cake and Stardust. Given that, I'm pretty optimistic

azazel - 2009-11-11

both of which were great.

Syd Midnight - 2009-11-11

So it's the movie we expected to see when we watched "The Mystery Men". I've been waiting for that!

Udderdude - 2009-11-11

I'm impressed.

BHWW - 2009-11-11

Looks interesting, even though it is based on a shitty Mark Millar comic (ISN'T THAT REDUNDANT LOL).

memedumpster - 2009-11-11

One of my lifelong dreams is to be thwarted by a real life super hero, after which I will go around destroying all of his or her other enemies, so I alone can give their life meaning.

CornOnTheCabre - 2009-11-12

up there next to Scott Pilgrim for "comic book adaptations I'm excited for while still barely being able to finish two issues of the source material"

ztc - 2009-11-12

'Comic-book movies that are superior to the comic' is an auspicious new genre I can get behind

paparatti - 2009-11-13

Yet it's utter shit compared to the one they showed (twice!) at Comic Con. Can't wait for this one.

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