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Comment count is 20
Bored - 2011-01-23

This is among the most terrible things I have seen.

Mother_Puncher - 2011-01-23

Some of the mom's facial expressions and reactions lead me to think she is trying her hardest to piss people off by rubbing the fact that her child is light years beyond spoiled and she doesn't care. Or she's genuinely tired of it but won't do anything to stop it so she just takes a passive aggressive approach to the kid's tantrums. Neither of them look like they've slept. Ever.

Severian - 2011-01-23

I'd hit it.

Certainly someone needs to.

baleen - 2011-01-24

The old "I'd hit it" joke!

kennydra - 2011-01-23

Fuck that's an ugly child and an even uglier mom.

I almost don't want to give anything form this show 5 stars because it's just asking for it. But it would be wrong not to.

Rosebeekee - 2011-01-23

Wow, a shitty mother that named her spoiled child Makenzie. That totally caught me off guard.

Caminante Nocturno - 2011-01-24

This child has spent the large majority of her life doped up on sugar and her mother's failure.

kingarthur - 2011-01-24

And either dad's money or somebody's inheritance. Don't forget that.

Rodents of Unusual Size - 2011-01-24

"Dear NASA, I believe I have found the perfect test subject for your new spaceship going into the sun..."

fulakarp - 2011-01-24

Sure she's annoying, but Makenzie is simply externalizing the rage that a normal person feels when subjected to this type of bullshit.

Samisyosam - 2011-01-24

Needs 'Schadenfreude' tag.

Panzerschlag - 2011-01-24

And there you go.

Jet Bin Fever - 2011-01-24

I think this "child" needs a few years of mandatory Spank Therapy.

Aoi - 2011-01-24

Hasn't she been abused enough already?

TeenerTot - 2011-01-24

Makenzie will be entering her own kids in pageants in about eleven years.

Mike Tyson?! - 2011-01-24

I don't get how this is the child's fault you abusive sociopaths.

BorrowedSolution - 2011-01-24

I don't get it either. It's obviously Dad's fault for not keeping his bitch whore wife in line.

Redford - 2011-01-24

I still can't actually tell if this show was produced to show the horror of the child pageant business or if the people who produce this show can stand in front of the television with their hands on their hips and say "Showing the people of America this is a great idea."

twinkieafternoon - 2011-01-24


mashedtater - 2011-02-03

this is my new favorite show

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