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Comment count is 16
Bort - 2011-01-23

Catholic kids, take note: if the priest says to do this as penance, HE'S NOT A REAL PRIEST.

The Townleybomb - 2011-01-23

You haven't spent much time around priests, have you?

Rape Van Winkle - 2011-01-23


Umaro - 2011-01-23

Very yes.

Adham Nu'man - 2011-01-23

Some people just don't appreciate art when they see it.

BorrowedSolution - 2011-01-23

We sure don't.

Enjoy - 2011-01-23

Yeah I'd like to see you try a triple nut shot.

Anaxagoras - 2011-01-23

It even has an "Are you OK dude?" near the end.

duck&cover - 2011-01-23

I think we have a rival for the "Rooftop Wrestling gone Awry" video for stupidity. Moans of the dying.

glasseye - 2011-01-23


killertomato - 2011-01-23

why would you ever do this

Kumquatxop - 2011-01-23

why would you ever do this

baleen - 2011-01-24

no access to drugs?

Robin Kestrel - 2011-01-23

That could have gone so much worse.

futurebot - 2011-01-23


Senator_Unger - 2011-01-23

Intentionally inflicted pain is the best kind.

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