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Comment count is 6
garcet71283 - 2011-03-22

I foresee great things for the Dyke Turner tag.

themilkshark - 2011-03-22

Being gay is a long standing tradition in the world of gangsta rap

YakooMarkTwo - 2011-11-29

What about this makes you call it "gangsta rap" and not just "rap"?

Bebido - 2011-03-22

No, this is just unacceptable and I will have no part in this.

I'm sorry poetv, but I reject the idea that white people should be able to rap. They can't and should not, plus its embarrassing.

YakooMarkTwo - 2011-11-29

Aesop Rock
Brother Ali
MC Serch
Pete Nice
Sage Francis

and that's leaving out the decent guys and the highest selling solo rap artist and the highest selling rap group ever.

1394 - 2011-03-23

Bonus stars for Manny Ramirez's gay sister.

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