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Gommorrah - 2013-10-15

http://www.marxist.com/historic-32nd-congress-of-pakistani-imt-1.h tm

�I am convinced Socialism is the only answer and I urge all comrades to take this struggle to a victorious conclusion. Only this will free us from the chains of bigotry and exploitation.� - Malala Yousafzai

SolRo - 2013-10-15

I already love her, what more does she want?!

SteamPoweredKleenex - 2013-10-15

Just in case Gommorrah is red-baiting, from his own link:

"Hamid explained that it was thanks to Ted Grant�s lifelong struggle for the genuine ideas of Marxism, in particular his struggle against Stalinism, that the International Marxist Tendency exists today."

AGAINST Stalinism, you say? Hmmm.

As for socialism, I do wish people would grow up about it. I'd like a mix of socialism and capitalism, as I think the US has swung far too far into the unfettered capitalism camp to the point it's almost like the classical definition of fascism (a corporate-run state). I think Malala is trying to appeal to a more secular philosophy to help oust things that are problems in Pakistan that the military-influenced government isn't addressing, like terrorists shooting young women in the head for getting an education.

That said, I don't mind someone who's MarxIST. I do dislike MarxISM as a solution or pure ideology for governing, because it doesn't work. Like Libertarianism, it relies on a form of running things that assumes assholes will disappear and won't try to take over, which is inevitable for both systems.

Lastly, I find the Communist (and other opposing isms) boogeyman somewhat funny, especially in places like Cuba, Iran, etc. which are trotted out as being inherently evil yet we ignore that our nation helped push them into their totalitarian states by screwing them over to an incredible degree. I guess nationalism helps keep those thoughts from causing problems...

Hooker - 2013-10-15

Marxism is the understanding that society is shaped by how it decides to spend the working class's surplus (the amount the working class creates beyond what is essential for their personal necessities). It is an theory of society, not an ideology. It is comparable to Communism the way open source ideas are comparable to object-oriented programming; they exist within the same areas, but to compare them with wildly misses the point. They describe ideas on significantly different topics.

memedumpster - 2013-10-15

One day I will read Capital, once I pick up that coke addiction.

simon666 - 2013-10-15

Oh boy, an argument on what Marxism means.

My bit: Marxism is foremost a method for critiquing society, then a prescription. The critique is partially psychological in nature. The central aspect of the critique is that ideology, that is, thoughts and ideas about the world that do not match up with or represent the world as it is, prevent man from improving the quality of his life and cause him psychic and bodily discomfort. The prescription is a set of methods and structures to 'reconnect' man's beliefs and thoughts with real, material conditions in the world. Here "real, material" is meant in a scientific sense, as in matter. In other words, Marx is criticizing abstractions, i.e., fuzzy concepts, that allow people to talk about and behave as if things are representative of something else. Fart.

fatatty - 2013-10-16

Post Scarcity Economy is what we should be aiming for. Socialist-Capitalism will get us there if we don't accidentally destroy ourselves first.

MustardPolice - 2013-10-16

a recycled reddit /r/videos front pager

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