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Desc:please vote this down if you hate it, i have a gross beard and face
Category:Crime, Arts
Tags:ME, self submission, dare for people to call me fat, fair argument
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Comment count is 23
The God of Biscuits - 2014-02-19

Okay, I will

jaunch - 2014-02-19

I am not one-starring because of your beard, not because what you're saying in the video sounds retarded.

I'm one-starring because your video failed to entertain me, which is what I look for on poetv.

Have a nice day.

chairsforcheap - 2014-02-19


DavidBowiesLuckyTennisBall - 2014-02-19

Tough crowd

StanleyPain - 2014-02-19

some balance.

exy - 2014-02-19

Dude needs to go back to troll school.

exy - 2014-02-19

Guess I didn't read the tags; didn't realize it was a self-submit or I'd have been more constructive. Well, commit a little harder next time or come up with a distinct passage or twist that I can believe in. You had me for the first few seconds. So shop your act around the youtubes for a while and when you think you're ready for Mr. Langtree's show, we'll send someone around to see your act.

chairsforcheap - 2014-02-19


Old_Zircon - 2014-02-19

Rob Reiner?

Born in the RSR - 2014-02-19


TheSupafly - 2014-02-19

I am starring this on his word that he was the creator of this video, as I always endorse poe originals. If he's a liar then where's your actual face dude I need my fist in that place.

EvilHomer - 2014-02-19

That's totally him. I recognize his face from the fake snow video.

By the way, you are fat, chairsforcheap.

chairsforcheap - 2014-02-19

you can't win 'em all! I give up, I won't do any new ones.

Old People - 2014-02-19

5 for a poetv native!

EvilHomer - 2014-02-19


You will only get better through practice. Consider JHMF, he started out so awkward and creepy, but look at him now!

Jet Bin Fever - 2014-02-19

I haven't heard from him in a while, so I can only assume that JHMF died of a heartattack while beating it to some goth girl's vlog.

chairsforcheap - 2014-02-19

unfortunately i have too much practice if you look at my uploads. OHHHHHH SHOULD I DO EDAREM SANTA JHM NEXT?

Rodents of Unusual Size - 2014-02-19

I will encourage you on your path to sarcasm but...you just aren't there yet, young old Padawan.

chairsforcheap - 2014-02-19


Jet Bin Fever - 2014-02-19

You're ugly and fat and I hate you. JUST KIDDING. But I don't like the idea of self-submitting stuff, unless it is of significant artistic merit.

chairsforcheap - 2014-02-19

i gotta completely agree with you.

chairsforcheap - 2014-02-19

oh also, this was not an attempt to get views or something on yt... i was just drunk and decided to make a decision.

yogarfield - 2014-02-19

Do all of you guys look like baleen, or just you?

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