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Desc:Russi Taylor, voice of Maude Flanders and Dot the Animaniac, is dead. :-(
Category:Classic TV Clips, Humor
Tags:Russi Taylor, Maude Flanders, killed during contract negotiations
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Comment count is 19
Rangoon - 2019-07-28

A decade after Wayne Allwine's passing.

William Burns - 2019-07-28

Two decades after Phil Hartman's murder.

Xenocide - 2019-07-28

Three decades after Soviet soccer star Aleksandr Prokopenko choked to death in a restaurant.

William Burns - 2019-07-28

Four decades after Josef Menegle had a stroke while swimming and drowned.

casualcollapse - 2019-07-28

84 years since the Tuskegee syphilis experiments.

garcet71283 - 2019-07-29

100 years since the death of L. Frank Baum

duck&cover - 2019-07-28

I'd forgotten "Let're RIP."

Crab Mentality - 2019-07-28

Dot was voiced by Tress MacNeille, whom is still alive.

William Burns - 2019-07-28

A decade after Tress MacNeille DIDN'T die.

BiggerJ - 2019-07-28

Call her Dotty and YOU die.

cognitivedissonance - 2019-07-29


MagickPoultry - 2019-07-29

And Maude Flanders was voiced by Maggie Roswell, whomst is also still alive?

yogarfield - 2022-11-22

Since I'm doing janitorial work, you should have just stuck with "who".

Xenocide - 2019-07-28

Seven people have played Minnie Mouse in English (including, weirdly, Walt Disney) but Russi had by far the longest tenure, playing her for 33 years. Even though she took on the role more than half a century after the character was introduced, her voice is likely the one most people think of when they think of Minnie Mouse. Not a bad mark to make on the world.

IrishWhiskey - 2019-07-29

I found it bizarre to learn that Maude was also Martin Prince.

Also highlighting Frank Grimes in her funeral just serves to remind everyone, "Hey, remember when Homer's gross ignorance and selfishness being completely without consequence was openly mocked by us? To the point where we killed a character just to show how much we knew that Flanderization was a real problem? Anyways here's Homer negligently killing Maude Flanders and everyone laughs it off. It's not like we said we had a solution or anything."

cognitivedissonance - 2019-07-29

Maude was killed during contract renegotiations. Taylor was not paid at the same level of the other voice actors, and wanted more money.

Caminante Nocturno - 2019-07-29

Watching that scene again, it occurs to me how quickly Dr. Hibbert got down to where Maude landed.

spikestoyiu - 2019-07-29

Maude was voiced by Maggie Roswell. Roswell wanted a $4,000 raise to cover commuting costs and Fox said no, so they replaced her with Marcia Mitzman Gaven. Roswell eventually came back to the show four seasons later. Russi voiced Martin, Sherri, Terri, and Üter.

betamaxed - 2019-07-29

2016 can still suck my balls in 2019

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