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This Clip is 1 of 6 Clips (1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6)
Desc:Part six is the introduction, so start there and loop back to the first. (sorry)
Category:Classic TV Clips, Humor
Tags:stephen fry, craig ferguson, man-crush
Submitted:Albuquerque Halsey
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Comment count is 15
Finger Paints - 2010-02-25

I could listen to this for hours and hours. Be nice if he could ever get Craig into Q.I.

baleen - 2010-02-25

I don't think they actually like each other.

citrusmirakel - 2010-02-26

He has Stephen Fry on his show constantly, and then says nice things to him whenever he's on.

So, his hatred manifests itself really strangely.

crotchy - 2010-02-26

I think the awkwardness is just the British class system manifesting itself. You can take the people out of Britain...

Syd Midnight - 2010-02-27

Fry is certainly genteel middle class English, but don't forget that Ferguson is an *American*, he's naturalized and he takes it seriously, so he uses our caste system (he's upper because he's rich). Fry finds Americans too fascinating to be condescending to. Also their ancestors are famous for killing as many of each other as possible!

I love the no audience, he's speaking directly to you instead of an audience, and that fits his style.

Johnny Madhouse - 2010-02-25

Something interesting in every section, and Ferguson's tattoo at the end is totally badass.

splatterbabble - 2010-02-27


Dinkin Flicka - 2010-02-25

Comedy and interviews without predictable audience laughter and noise rules.

al k duh - 2010-02-25

-1 for cutting out the theme song. +5 for craig and stephen. +1 more for 'man-crush' tag.

dorje - 2010-02-25

very pleased to see this.

RockBolt - 2010-02-26

I might watch TV on TV if more of it were like this

Konversekid - 2010-02-26

My already great respect for Craig Ferguson has just risen greatly.

dueserpenti - 2010-02-26

TV for Grownups.

Mr.Rogers - 2010-03-02

Agreed. This is funny, mature, insightful. I would watch this format regularly. It was successful. The worrisome variable is the guest. You're not going to be able to get many celebrity conversationalist who can hold their own for a hour show. Hell, few people could do this. Even fewer people that tour the late night talk show scene.

I want them to try though.

Bisekrankas - 2010-04-28

So very good

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