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Comment count is 6
American Standard - 2012-02-03

Christ, Joan's face has been yanked back so tight her eyes have turned into slits.

Oscar Wildcat - 2012-02-03

You'd think if they needed a lift they'd just ask the camera man? Witholding a rating because this is so obviously fake, but still funny.

charmlessman - 2012-02-03

Wow. Just when I thought Joan Rivers couldn't get any more useless...

Am I supposed to believe that she took 2 hits off a pipe at 2pm and was dumb-stoned until midnight?

chairsforcheap - 2012-02-03


SolRo - 2012-02-04

well she does weigh like 60 lbs and has the blood volume of juice box

Jet Bin Fever - 2012-02-04

I was hoping that her pot cough would shatter her face like porcelain.

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