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Comment count is 8
duck&cover - 2012-10-18

Help, I've got a shoe stuck in my mouth.

chairsforcheap - 2012-10-18

spaniels always do that warbling thing... it's simultaneously the cutest and most annoying thing ever

Jeriko-1 - 2012-10-18

Dog really, really has to pee!

James Woods - 2013-02-21

Yeah. He's trying to coax him/her to put their shoe back on and take him out for a piddle.

TimidAres - 2012-10-18

These breed of dog really is a wild card.
You can get a very intelligent, competent brittany, or get one that is dumb as shit, and really good for nothing.
Luckily in my youth we had one that was pretty smart, and she really didnt do this "whining" thing often. She liked to steal cheese though.

Anaxagoras - 2012-10-18

Wow. That is a seriously co-dependent dog. I'm glad I got a more independent breed.

OxygenThief - 2012-10-18

I bought a pre-euthanized dog. He never asks me for shit.

split tail - 2012-10-18

I didn't notice the lady was missing one shoe until re watching this vid. Put a whole new spin on it for me.

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