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Comment count is 9
infinite zest - 2013-08-03

Whatever this is, if it's free I want to download it. I googled "Traffic video game" and "Traffic Computer game" and couldn't find it.

BiggerJ - 2013-08-03

Cr1tiKal gave the wrong name, possibly to shield people from it: http://sandbox.yoyogames.com/games/181464

You may, on principle, not like who I got the game's real name from: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZnVn-oES5T0

infinite zest - 2013-08-04

Haha I never had a beef with Lowtax. I was Sega-Otaku so I'm pretty sure Oldmanmurray, SA and POE all had a beef with us.

infinite zest - 2013-08-04

Actually the entire internet had a beef with us.

memedumpster - 2013-08-04

Neat, Mike Nelson!

mustard - 2013-08-03

Is it just me or is he imitating Robbaz?

infinite zest - 2013-08-04

I think that the graphics engine is the same as those bible games, Noah's Adventures and Zoo Race.

chumbucket - 2013-08-04

Car blows up at 4:51 perfect.

memedumpster - 2013-08-04

Best bus driver ever.

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