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Comment count is 20
DrCrypt - 2007-02-13

Can you jam with the console cowboys in cyberspace?

zatojones - 2007-02-13

Good thing she grew up to be cute.. sort of

Tuan Jim - 2009-02-10

She liked the football players in college.

*catty comment deleted*

sosage - 2007-02-13

Everyone else in the room looks appropriately creeped out

halon - 2007-02-13

5 stars for the console cowboys line. that's 1337.

Meatsack Jones - 2007-02-13

What a weefle runner, No ports or trodes, and she doesn't even use the black.

Senator_Unger - 2007-02-13

Oh computer, only you can truly understand me...

takewithfood - 2007-02-13

5 stars mostly from the nostalgia. I actually remember this show.

C. Eloi Marx - 2007-02-13

- 1 for the crap audio

Caminante - 2007-02-13

This was the go-to show when Nickelodeon didn't have anything on and your Nintendo was being fixed.

Ahriman the Creepy Lurker - 2007-02-14

I'm not sure it's legal to film a romantic scene between a child and a computer like that.

B_Ko - 2007-04-16

God DAMN I miss the 90's.

Jeff Fries - 2007-07-30

This show was like PBS's Lost. It was the most expensive children's program they ever produced, so every episode was part of a five-show arc to ensure people would keep watching. A show about a ghost who is not illiterate.

VorpalGuy - 2008-05-18

Lost is on ABC, not PBS.

Also...this show did suck. And I watched it a lot.

ashtar. - 2008-07-16

The statement that this was 'like PBS's lost' was a simile�a figure of speech involving the comparison of one thing with another thing of a different kind, used to make a description more emphatic or vivid. In this case, Jeff Fries was comparing the common features of high production values and plot hooks that this PBS show shares with ABC's 'Lost'.

rev.dinosaur - 2008-11-06

Five for judging VorpalGuy on what he says and thinks.

dementomstie - 2008-04-02

My friend Andrew knows the whole "In here, they judge you by your words not your actions" speech and will quote it while carressing his computer screen.

Rodents of Unusual Size - 2008-04-04


Cleaner82 - 2008-05-27

Hey, she said 'Neuromancer'. I'm going to consider that above and beyond the call of duty.

mashedtater - 2008-10-28

LETS GO PEOPLE! a story about hackers isn't going to write itself within THE NEXT FIVE SECONDS!

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