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Comment count is 3
Steebis - 2013-12-24

That was great!

Jeriko-1 - 2013-12-24

Huge leadup and then BAM "Merry Christmas, enjoy your dead parents!"

If the parents had been total shits it would be far less jarring.

Binro the Heretic - 2013-12-24

One of my favorite Christmas episodes in TV history.

Ranks up there with that Christmas episode of the late 1980s version of "The Twilight Zone" where a group of astronauts in our near future figured out there actually had been a real "Star of Bethlehem" in the form of a supernova that would have been highly visible on Earth, even in daylight and would have occurred at the time Christ was thought to have been born.

It also turned out the supernova wiped out an entire planet of people whose civilization was on par with 20th century humans. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, JESUS!

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