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Comment count is 7
Old_Zircon - 2014-04-25

Bass pugs.

Binro the Heretic - 2014-04-25

When I was little, one of our neighbors had a basset named Fletcher. He was one of those goofy friendly dogs who loved everyone, especially kids.

I can remember his bark. It was an enormous loud boom you could hear three blocks over. You could always tell when anyone entered their yard.

When we moved, I missed Fletcher as much as I missed the kids I played with. I really missed hearing that bark. I've always kind of wanted a basset because of Fletcher, but I'm worried about the state of purebred animals today.

SteamPoweredKleenex - 2014-04-25

Bassets have a lot of personality quirks.

They're very people-oriented dogs, and often can't be left alone for long stretches (like, 8 hours) without starting to dig, tear into things, etc. They'll also eat articles of clothing that smell like their people, which can lead to medical bills in the thousands.

I was told by one Basset owner that they're hard to transfer from one home to another, in that they'll often always be on the hunt for their original owners, exacerbating other stressful events (like leaving for work and so on).

KillerGazebo - 2014-04-25

I used to have three of these idiots. They are the sweetest dogs I've ever met, and I intend to raise another one once my life permits it. The nice thing about having three of them was that they could keep each other company while we were away, which helped eliminate some of their loneliness.

We had one who had lived with at least two families before. She was rescued from an SPCA as an adult by another family who kept her for eight years before circumstances forced them to move to a smaller apartment and give her up. By this point we already had two of them, so they came to us to help. She settled into her new life very easily, probably because she got along so well with the other dogs. Bassets don't live long, but she must have been well into her teen years when she passed away, which I'm sure made her one of the oldest bassets on the planet.

Probably the most important thing to remember about basset hounds is that they are tracking dogs first and foremost. When they pick up a sent they might follow it for a few kilometers before noticing that they don't know where they are or how to get back. As such you have to keep a close eye on them. They'll also eat anything they find without exception. They have hardy stomachs and don't usually get sick, so you'll just have to get used to the idea that your dog probably ate a dead bird and its own poop before licking your face.

Pillager - 2014-04-25

Canine bassoons.

chairsforcheap - 2014-04-25


Merzbau - 2014-04-25


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