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John Holmes Motherfucker - 2015-02-28

As gratified as I was to find this, I liked the story better the first time I heard it, during an interview on PBS a long long time ago. He was promoting "I am not Spock". You could still sense the boy's sense of wonder and mystery. It was forbidden knowledge. He PEEKED, and that was what he saw. For all of those years, I've loved knowing that Nimoy came by that iconic gesture not only because he was a Jew, but also because he had been a child, a curious boy who peeked. It goes well with the spirit of "Star Trek".

ashtar. - 2015-02-28

Jewish illuminati ritualistic mystic symbols hidden in pop culture�youtube was right!

Old_Zircon - 2015-02-28

Tangentially related, there was a small run magazine in the 1990s that I'm forgetting the name of unfortunately, and it had an incredible analysis of pervasive antisemitic undertones in TNG. I'll try to find it.

Old_Zircon - 2015-02-28

No luck, but searching for "star trek antisemitism"brings up some real gens. Looks like a lot of people believe it in a far less tongue in cheek way than that guy did.

ashtar. - 2015-02-28

The Ferengi always seemed a little suspect to me.

Hell, most of the alien races were more like caricatures than "actual" aliens. The Klingons were just angry people with forehead ridges, the Ferengi were greedy people with forehead ridges, the Cardassians were sneaky people with forehead ridges, etc. Racists tend to view white people as the normal default and everyone else as some kind of deviation from that, exaggerating some traits of white people and lacking others. The aliens in TNG are sort of like that, just deviant caricatures of humans. Obviously, it's sneaky imperialist propaganda.

Ugh - 2015-03-01

the one "jewish alien" episode that stuck with me the most was saul rubinek in "the most toys," complete with space kipa.

baleen - 2015-03-01

I read a conspiracy theory in a 90's UFO rag that translated the entire Star Trek mythos into a Catholic illuminati takeover scheme.

The episode breakdowns were pretty funny too.

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