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Comment count is 16
garcet71283 - 2015-06-16

I dont know who this is, and propbably havent heard his music, but i am a fan now

infinite zest - 2015-06-16

Their Wikipedia says they're influenced by Refused, which is a good thing to me (Shape of Punk to Come forever being my favorite album to get stoned to) but I didn't really hear it in the song I heard.. kinda like Red Fang. Another band that's just fun to get drunk to, preferably whilst standing atop others.

infinite zest - 2015-06-16

Unrelated but since I tried submitting it to the regular hopper and it didn't get out and I can't put it on 73Q for that reason, here's another Red Fang video:


That's the bar I'm usually at. Notice the MLP puking a rainbow of PBRs in the background. And you wonder why I like MLP.

infinite zest - 2015-06-16

Oh it's that way for all videos. Once you've submitted it once to either you can't do it again, regardless of failing to get voted out of the hopper. So when that video's too cool for 73Q you better make sure of it. The more you know..

Old_Zircon - 2015-06-16

I have no idea who this is, I was expecting Dennis Coffey who it definitely isn't.

infinite zest - 2015-06-16

That's why I said "unrelated" :) like, I don't know how to describe coffee but he likes beer and rock and roll like most of us, but definitely doesn't sound like Refused..

Old_Zircon - 2015-06-16

I was talking about the submission.

EvilHomer - 2015-06-17

He's the guy from The Green Mile.

lotsmoreorcs - 2015-06-23

Needs getting stoned to the shape of punk to come tag

fluffy - 2015-06-16

Check out the linked video where they interviewed the thrower.

chumbucket - 2015-06-16

God's mysterious ways.

lotsmoreorcs - 2015-06-16

because i first read this as john popper

infinite zest - 2015-06-16

Because I'll now have Runaround stuck in my head the rest of the day :(

ashtar. - 2015-06-16

Crowdsourced beverages are how we'll all get drunk in the future.

EvilHomer - 2015-06-17

No, not all, only the lucky few who work for the Ministry of Entertainment. The rest of us will have to make do with synthehol and soylent orange.

EvilHomer - 2015-06-17

And that relates back to my arguments last week, about the often ignored problems inherent with crowdsourcing.

If I *invest* a beer in a band, then I'm entering into a limited partnership, and have at least some chance of seeing a return on beer in the future. But if I crowdsource a beer to a band, then I'm shit out of luck. I waive all economic rights, and only the band will ever see a profit.

The weirdest thing is, I'm only half-joking here Apparently this beer catching stunt has caused John Coffey to "go viral". This means an increase in public exposure for the band by several orders of magnitude; I don't have all the statistics available right now (have to leave for work in a minute, else I'd check) but they've been pretty obscure up until now, with barely 2,000 subscribers on YT. I certainly haven't heard of them, and I doubt many others here have, either. This one clip alone has already generated nearly 4 million views in a matter of days - something like e̲i̲g̲h̲t̲ ̲t̲i̲m̲e̲s̲ the number of views accrued over the last three or four years by all of their music videos *combined*. {1} That's huge!!!

This crowdsourced beer could very well be John Coffey's "big break", the magical moment that finally catapults them up from the gutter to fame, riches, and an early death via heroin-suicide. And yet... what are the odds that the beer-chucker, the man ultimately responsible for this video and John Coffey's sudden fame, is going to see even one measly dollar out of all this? Is not the humble working man just as entitled to the fruits of his labor as the artist? The logic of crowdsourcing would say "no".

Beer-throwing-guy is going to get fucked over by this. Not only did the toss cost him his beer, it may well have also cost him his share in the future.

{1} https://www.youtube.com/user/johncoffeymusic/videos

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