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Comment count is 36
Waugh - 2015-10-07

who wants to gnaw on human bones

SolRo - 2015-10-07

you're so clever

Waugh - 2015-10-07

who wants to gnaw on human bones

BiggerJ - 2015-10-07

From the creator of Beasts!

Waugh - 2015-10-07

who wants to gnaw on human bones

yogarfield - 2015-10-08

i thought i'd seen this somewhere. this can't hold a candle to beasts, storytime, or twice the rice.

Waugh - 2015-10-08

eat them keep them please them tease them freeze them adhere them to my husband's prostate

who wants to gnaw on human bones

The Mothership - 2015-10-07

Waugh is someone...

EvilHomer - 2015-10-07

... who wants to gnaw on human bones!

Waugh - 2015-10-07

who wants to gnaw on human bones

Gmork - 2015-10-08

We're all going to be morally complicit in a mass shooting if one of us doesn't call the cops on Waugh at some point.

Waugh - 2015-10-08

whoa are you ever a piece of shit

Waugh - 2015-10-08

who wants to gnaw on human bones

Gmork - 2015-10-08

Maybe if your gimmick included more than shitty anime references, awful music and piss-poor verbal skills you'd be less of an exhibit and more of a member.

Waugh - 2015-10-08

you're clinging to dead old ways so hard it's so sad
who wants to gnaw on human bones

yogarfield - 2015-10-09

fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite fite!

chumbucket - 2015-10-08

Game show with a Wheel Of Fortune type opener where the audience shouts the title "WHO!!! WANTS!! TO!! GNAW!! ON!! HUMAN!! BONEESSSSS!!!!"

Waugh - 2015-10-08

who wants to gnaw on human bones?

yogarfield - 2015-10-08

i say we do original content week, waugh you go first.

Waugh - 2015-10-08

who wants to gnaw on human bones

Waugh - 2015-10-08

you think i'm here to add value? who wants to gnaw on human bones?

yogarfield - 2015-10-08

who warts to gnaw on human bones?

Cena_mark - 2015-10-08

FS and RD don't have the strongest bond. They may have known each other as fillies, but they stopped hanging out the day RD let FS fall down to earth. She'd have died if not for those butterflies. RD didn't care. No search parties were sent, they just said, "Oh, well she was weak, who cares." They were finally reintroduced at the events of the first two episodes.
Steven would hug Waugh as well. He believes in friendship and knows all gems should be friends. Homer would be friends with Waugh. Trolls are meant to be together. You two should meet up and get fitted for matching pickle suits.

EvilHomer - 2015-10-08

You're STILL on about that?!

I didn't respond to this the last time you posted it because 1) the video was already well off the front page, and 2) it doesn't really deserve a response, on account of being so ridiculous. RD had no way of helping FS that one time, so you can't pin the blame on her. Also, I am NOT a troll, and even if I was, I would NEVER wear a Pickle Suit! If I were a troll, I imagine that I would use my trolling powers in the name of Love and Justice, rather than evil; I respect autistics and and, like Robbie, have too much empathy to do any less.

As for Waugh, I think it is unkind of you to assume that Waugh is a troll! I also believe that I am already friends with Waugh, as are you. Non-trolls such as myself can be friends with trolls, just as awesome anime characters like Kamina can be friends with dorky anime characters, like Simon, one of the many characters RebSu ripped off to make her OC, Steve-Uni Sugarchu.

Waugh - 2015-10-08

who wants to gnaw on human bones

EvilHomer - 2015-10-08

Oh, and I bet that even if RD had the opportunity to save Flutterbutts, she still wouldn't do it. Why? Because Rainbow loves Fluttershy, and she wants to bring out the best in her scaredy-pony little pal. Rainbow knows that the best way to help somepony isn't to baby them, but to empower them to help themselves. Fluttershy was in no danger. She survived the fall, and grew stronger because of it - exactly what Rainbow, as a true friend and lover, would want to happen.

It's like that episode of Gotham, where Little Kid Batman falls off a cliff and breaks his leg. Alfred the Butler saw it happen, but he didn't rush over to help Batman; why? Because Alfred knew Little Kid Batman was a survivor. He know Little Kid Batman would dry off his tears, set his broken leg, and pull himself up that mountain again. It was a learning experience for Little Kid Batman, a character-building exercise, and Alfred, ever the stoic SAS commando, let Young Master Bruce rise to the challenge all on his own.

Thus also with Dashie and Fluttershy.

Cena_mark - 2015-10-08

I just figured I'd bring it back, because I figure Waugh's trolling stupid posts would be good place for us to get on our tangents.

Cena_mark - 2015-10-08

Funny you would bring up the practice of letting someone struggle to make them a better person, because that's what all of Christine's "trolls" were doing. Clyde Cash, Kacey, Liquid, and the Asperchu 4 were all merely trying to help her get her life together. They inspired and challenged her!
Waugh is a troll. All he ever does is insult people.

EvilHomer - 2015-10-08

No, they were all trolls; if they were trying to help Christine, they'd have been called white knights. Kacey and Liquid were probably the trolls closest to genuinely caring human beings, but they didn't want Christine to get better, they wanted her to do stupid shit for their amusement (which is exactly what she did). Clyde Cash never existed, he was a trollsona based off an old 4chan meme, and the Apserpedia 4 were a pack of boring, self-serving jackasses - especially ABL. Don't believe the hype, Cena; ABL never wanted to "help" Chris! Those tedious lectures he gave her on how to be a responsible grown-up were simply meant to inflate ABL's own fragile ego, and to try and justify the fact that his life's work consisted of tormenting a lonely, disabled autistic man.

Cena_mark - 2015-10-08

Clyde hired prostitutes to help Chris get over his virginity issue. A solution Chris would use later on himself. Kacey encouraged Chris to exercise and apply for jobs, and ABL did similar things, but also inspired him to write comic pages. His advertising on Chris' wiki were mean to help Chris get over his homophobia and hatred towards Asperger victims.

EvilHomer - 2015-10-09

Kacey strung Chris along, Rarity-style, and insulted him over both his non-standard body image (hypocritical, coming from a fat chick) and his alleged "lack" of a job (typical Republican). I don't know if Kacey ever actually wanted Chris to get a job, but the remarkable thing about all the "get a job" trolling Chris has to endure, is the fact that Chris already HAS a job - he's an artist and a filmmaker! Sure, he's not working in a factory. He's not flipping burgers, which most trolls assume is the only job autistics are fit to do. But Chris had a source of income (disability), a place to stay (parent's house), food on the table (hence the fat), and a calling in life - underground comics and gonzo indie filmmaking. Chris had a better job than Kacey or ABL ever will, word to science.

As for Clyde, whomever he was IRL, I agree that buying prostitutes for Chris was theoretically a nice thing to do. However, it's all about timing: Clyde (it was actually Bryan Bash who bought the prostitutes, but whatever. Clyde most likely put Bryan up to it) sent the prostitutes to Chris' house at precisely the worst moment: when he was heartbroken, and when his mom was around. If Clyde had actually wanted to help Chris, he and Bryan would have found a discrete moment to hire a boyfriend-free escort for Chris. They might have even instructed her to act like a potential sweetheart, rather than a call girl. Cash and Bash timed things precisely to HURT Chris.

And ABL, ABL was even worse. The advertisement's were "meant" to blackmail Chris and increase Chris' stress level. Nor did he inspire Chris to write comic pages, at least not in the manner you are implying. Chris was inspired to write Sonichu 10 out of -hatred- for ABL and his cronies. He then stopped drawing Sonichu all together, because Asperpedia and the incessant harassment had broken his resolve. To go back to the Batman analogy, ABL was, at best, the dude who murdered Batman's parents. However, I'd say he's far more like Rene Secretan, the bully who murdered Vincent van Gogh.

In fact, all of them - Kacey, Clyde, ABL, even Liquid - they were all Rene Secretans. A big, braying pack of Rene Secretans, and if it weren't for the Impulse Gay Social-Club and Christine's newfound lesbian gal pals, the damage they did to the art world would have been irreversible.

Cena_mark - 2015-10-09

I guess you're right. Those are weak justifications for trolling.
I had to look up Rene Secretans. He didn't murder Van Gogh. Its just a fringe theory that few historians buy. He did bully him, but he didn't murder anybody. He sounds like a cool kid who dressed like a cowboy.

Waugh - 2015-10-08

verbosity is the obesity of the intellect who wants to gnaw on human bones

January von Rodeo - 2015-10-09

Much a frou frou bloo blooo hoo

yogarfield - 2015-10-09

my taint just pondered the universe who warts to gnaw on human bones

January von Rodeo - 2015-10-09


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