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Comment count is 6
Enjoy - 2020-06-13

CHAZ, the Capital Hill Autonomous Zone, is a new micronation less than a mile from my place. Activists walled of six blocks of the gay neighborhood in Seattle and declared it a new nation with no leaders. A few crops were planted in the park and a meth head wandered in and tore it up. They are dealing with the challenges of a leaderless commune in the middle of a city. Trump has hinted at coming in and restoring law and order but I sure hope he doesn't. I've never been so entertained. Think of it as a communism speed run.

Binro the Heretic - 2020-06-13

You're terrified they will make it work.

IrishWhiskey - 2020-06-13

It's not walled up, it's not a micronation, it's a street fair, and playing Star Wars music over a video of nothing happening, isn't interesting.

Also you live near me? Ugh.

exy - 2020-06-13

I'm gonna live near you pretty soon, too. +1 for this thread giving me a reason to comment.

betamaxed - 2020-06-13

1 star content gets a 1 star rating

Kilo147 - 2020-06-19

Ugh. I have to live near all you?

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