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Comment count is 8
glasseye - 2022-04-05


cognitivedissonance - 2022-04-05

I'm happy it's acknowledging Monkey Island 3 happened, because that's my favorite one.

glasseye - 2022-04-05

According to wikipedia it picks up from the end of LeChuck's Revenge (MI2), while incorporating some bits from later games (like Murray obvs).

garcet71283 - 2022-04-06

Since Curse of Monkey Island™ kinda picked up long after the end of 2 and hand waved away the ending, there’s plenty of fertile ground for more story.

I’m excited for the probably return of SCUMM™

Mr. Purple Cat Esq. - 2022-04-06

They already rebuilt a new version of SCUMM for Thimbleweed park.

cognitivedissonance - 2022-04-07

Monkey Island 2's ending genuinely sucked, and I hope they ignore it.

Mr. Purple Cat Esq. - 2022-04-05

Just fyi if ya'll havent played 'Thimbleweed park' it's Ron Gilberts last game, a SCUMM-style adventure game with *the verbs* and is very good.

snothouse - 2022-04-06

I feel heartened by the fact that they aren't doing the block-pixel "throwback graphics" that all modern adventure games feel compelled to do.

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