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Crackersmack - 2022-04-15

The Patreon episode of Chapo this week had an interview with Chris Smalls and it was fantastic, this guy is somebody to rally behind. He slept at the bus stop outside Amazon so he could talk to workers on their way in and out. He helped identify union busters posing as workers and made 'wanted' posters with their salaries on them. He and the other organizers did this without any help from a major union and while being ignored by supposed political allies.

Chris Smalls is the real deal and he is totally outside the influence of the Dem establishment, and that makes them sooooo mad. Right now every blue check on Twitter is predictably melting down about this Tucker appearance.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2022-04-16

>>>Chris Smalls is the real deal and he is totally outside the influence of the Dem establishment, and that makes them sooooo mad. Right now every blue check on Twitter is predictably melting down about this Tucker appearance.

I just checked Twitter, and every tweeter is predictably melting down about everything, like they do every day.

Disaster - 2022-04-15

"I'm not very pro-union"
gives statement that is pro union, claims it's what he believes.

Clearly trying to get Chris to start talking shit about politicians, laughs awkwardly at own joke, tosses the word woke in there.

Chris is amazing person, endlessly selfless, someone puts action to his words and all the work and organizing he's done has been top notch.

Tucker is a clown.

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