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Comment count is 3
casualcollapse - 2022-06-28

Black women are 3.5 times likelier to die during childbirth

Pillager - 2022-06-29

"I'm on my time with everyone
I have very bad posture
Sit and drink Pennyroyal Tea
Distill the life that's inside of me

Sit and drink Pennyroyal Tea
I'm anemic royalty
Give me a Leonard Cohen afterworld
So I can sigh eternally

I'm so tired I can't sleep
I'm a liar and a thief
Sit and drink Pennyroyal Tea
I'm anemic royalty

I'm on warm milk and laxatives
Cherry-flavored antacids
Sit and drink Pennyroyal Tea

Distill the life that's inside of me
Sit and drink Pennyroyal Tea
I'm anemic royalty"

Anaxagoras - 2022-07-04

"I told you not to get pregnant again!"

"Yes, but you didn't tell me how to not get pregnant."

Jesus H. Christ. The sheer lack of education is... breathtaking. (Note: I'm not blaming the women. It's not their fault they didn't have basic information.)

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