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Comment count is 7
Mr. Purple Cat Esq. - 2023-03-08

Ya'll ever been to France? Everyone kisses each other on the cheek instead of shaking hands when meeting. (though I'd guess more recently probably covid changed that somewhat)

Juice Eggs McKenna - 2023-03-09

I mean it has "sexual" in the name Jordan...

yogarfield - 2023-03-09

There's already too much Rogan and Peterson in the world, so let's not generate more of them.

casualcollapse - 2023-03-10

its taking the piss ON them I'm all for it

yogarfield - 2023-03-10

Eh, they're both too easy to piss on.

Rogan's a boring, gullible goon with inexplicable and dangerous platforming powers. He even sucks at calling UFC fights at this point.

Peterson is a self-help guru that refuses to fully commit to an overdose, which is a shame because too many morons mistake him for a genius.

Juice Eggs McKenna - 2023-03-11

There's no need to generate more Joe content, the stuff he really says is all top-shelf stupidity. "Wait, DO we have supersonic weapons?"

yogarfield - 2023-03-11


"Is there an internet? Oh wow, he's hurt."

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