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Comment count is 6
Lef - 2023-05-12

Her and Jef went after the Cousteau kids hard, especially Diane.

Hell is empty, all the devils are here.

Nominal - 2023-05-13

Was it ever in doubt that TED Talks were for sociopaths?

Accidie - 2023-05-13

my first thought exactly, this was the same audience that was wow'd into not seeing or caring what they were doing using more or less the same trick.

ashtar. - 2023-05-13

I like the bit in the beginning about how she's an EMT and a helicopter pilot, etc., which is a fun spin of saying "she's never had to work and has effectively endless money."

I also liked the "I love the ocean because I watched Cousteau" bit. Much more relatable than saying "I love the ocean because I grew up on a yacht with its own onboard disco; also the yacht was named after me."

ALLOFTHESHIT - 2023-05-14

The Star Wars kid??

Discordia - 2023-05-18

Always thought her name was pronounced Gly Scene.

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