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Comment count is 6
Jeriko-1 - 2023-05-27

Mr. PB was a great hidden antagonist. He lacked any kind of self awareness that his actions harmed others and he left a mile wide trail of psychic damage where ever he went. At first he comes across as sweet natured in the series and then you slowly realize what kind of a toxic creep he really is. He can't contextualize a point of view different from his own.

cognitivedissonance - 2023-05-27

Mr. Peanut Butter doesn't do anything he does out of malice, he's a Golden Retriever. He thinks and behaves like a large dog.

Crab Mentality - 2023-05-29

Jeriko, please elaborate- because it always seemed to me that PB was dumb, sure, but good natured. He was an antagonist in the way that Ned Flanders is.

Sputum - 2023-05-29

His good intentions and lack of awareness lead to trouble.
E.g. he rushes into marriages without thinking. He is incapable of understanding that other people enjoy different things than he enjoys which ruins those marriages.

He is incapable of reflecting on anything so he never grows and has no sense of propriety e.g. he dates someone half his age and it just doesn't occur to him that it might be weird. Then he runs that person through the same trials all of his ex's went through and his toxic optimism blinds him to the likelihood that she'll have a bad time much the same way his three previous partners did.

Like everyone on the show, he has positive and negative qualities. Or maybe more accurately he has qualities that are positive in some situations and negative in others.

It's a really good show

SolRo - 2023-05-29

I honestly think it’s not only his issue that ruins his marriage, it is both partners thinking that only their life goals are important without compromising to make the other happy.

Sputum - 2023-05-29

yeah definitely. dianne sucks in her own way too.

i think mr pb actually tries really hard to make her happy but he is too bad at empathy to do it effectively.

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