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Comment count is 15
baleen - 2007-09-11

he seems like a nice guy.

zatojones - 2007-09-11

wonder if he's gay

Billy the Poet - 2007-09-11

I thought the preload screen was Scarlett Johanson.

doc duodenum - 2007-09-11

He looks like an elf. I think he'd make a good Parade Kid.

DrVital - 2007-09-11

Who would he not be, indeed?

He likes pop stars even when they suck, and loves Britney for who she is, even if she's a terrible loser. This does undercut his credibility a bit.

EvilHomer - 2007-09-11

I like Britney when her cootch is showing.

NoCode - 2007-09-11

"And this goes for you, too, Perez." I'm assuming that's a reference to Perez Hilton...? Wow, who knew the world of Gays Who Dote On Lame Female Celebrities had so much in-fighting.

So how exactly is Britney an "inspiration" to anybody? What does she inspire, aside from a feeling of revulsion and mild embarrassment?

Enjoy - 2007-09-11

She's the trainwreck of a queen he'll never be.

dancingshadow - 2007-09-11

Seriously, what purpose does this person serve for anything ?

midgetrampage - 2007-09-11

This guy's got another video that is even more insane where he's throwing a tantrum about britney. Watch it, this will make your jaw drop.

Eroticus E - 2007-09-11

I copied your link, but couldn't watch the whole thing. Holy Christ.

zatojones - 2007-09-11

he's like every mincing gay stereotype in the homosphere all rolled into one really pathetic weepy ball

a flaming monkey - 2007-09-11

Why....was he(?) shirtless????????????????????

I'm glad this was submitted into the horror category because I won't sleep well tonight.

TeenerTot - 2007-09-11

In repose, he looks like Julia Roberts!

StanleyPain - 2007-09-12

I'm torn on what to rate this because I've watched some of this guy's clips and I'm not convinced he's genuine. I think he sees himself as some sort of performance art-y, Shaye St. John kind of thing, or something. I dunno.

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