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Comment count is 11
The Great Hippo - 2007-12-08

But can it write?

Blaise - 2007-12-08

If so, can it write upside down?

athodyd - 2007-12-08

Loading that with the barrel pointed down into his palm would indicate much more confidence in the Pengun that I believe it warrants.

takewithfood - 2007-12-08

I was thinking the same thing. He also briefly points it up at his face as if to ask himself "Is there still a hole where the bullet comes out? Oh good."

I wonder if they make kevlar pocket protectors.

DopeFiend - 2007-12-08

Damn; thought it said "penguin".

RandomFerret - 2007-12-08

Hey, me too. I want more penguin clips.

takewithfood - 2007-12-08

Me three. How awesome would it be if a penguin had a little pocket pen gun? He'd be like James Bond; he's already wearing a tux.

ChocFullOfFunk - 2007-12-08

Seriously. I was thinking "'Penguin' under category 'Accidents & Explosions?' This can only be awesome."

baleen - 2007-12-08

The zip gun grows up and leaves the big city where it marries a Baptist, starts going to a megachurch, and has this little minister.

Hooker - 2007-12-08

James Bond should have kept his secret gun-pens in boa knife holsters.

Cap'n Profan!ty - 2007-12-08

it has a pocket clip. if it's loaded and in your pocket, it will shoot you in the gonads.

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