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Comment count is 10
divinitycycle - 2008-06-09

now downloading... TERROR!

Brautwurst_Barbarian - 2008-06-09

What was the name of this movie again?

It would have been 3 stars, but +1 for the ending.

FABIO2 - 2008-06-09


They should have been paying YTMND. This clip was the only reason I went to see (and laugh at) the movie.

fermun - 2008-06-09

Thousands times better than the movie Pulse. I can't believe how bad Pulse was. I did learn one thing though, if you want to hire a good IT man, hire a ghost.

jangbones - 2008-06-09

...a series of unfunny tubes.

voodoo_pork - 2008-06-09



PlushJake - 2008-06-09

Funny, but not "haha funny." Peculiar I guess.

garcet71283 - 2008-06-09

Ending made me laugh.

5 stars.

j lzrd / swift idiot - 2008-06-09

Aw screw it, -1 for being a YTMND, but I can dig it like chorus girls dig Shaft.

Caminante Nocturno - 2008-10-29

So what if it's from an unclean site?


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